Introduction to the topic: Transition to professional practice
This topic is all about you and your transition to professional practice. Throughout your nursing degree you will have learnt many nursing skills and practiced them in your Professional Experience Placement opportunities. In the process of gaining these skills you will also have noticed that the health care environment can be challenging, unpredictable and that different skills are required to navigate the system effectively in order to optimise patient care. You already have many resources to cope with these challenges.
Strategies have been identified which build the capacity for resilience which are critical to both leadership and also for transition to professional practice. Your preparation physically, psychologically, emotionally, socially and spiritually is all within your control.
You are our future leaders so please embrace the opportunities provided.
We look forward to working with you!
Study plan: Module 5 Becoming part of the team and inter-professional practice
This module is designed to prepare you for inter-professional collaborative practice and is designed to assist with further development of collaborative leadership, communication, role clarification and team functioning. The emphasis is on client and family centred care and this is demonstrated in the video simulation exercise students will complete. Upon the successful completion of this module, you should be able to develop further skills in accordance with requirements of NMBA competencies, i.e. the domain ‘Collaborative and therapeutic practice’ of the NMBA competencies (NMBA 2006, pp. 7-9) requires nurses to collaborate with patients/clients and members of the health care team at all levels.

Learning outcomes for this module
The specific inter-professional learning outcomes are based around:
• development of collaborative leadership skills
• skillful management of relationships
• developing further awareness of the factors which affect team functioning
• maintaining patient/client and family centred care
• developing further inter-professional communication skills
• clarify the roles of the inter-professional collaborative team clarification.
Required readings
Text readings
Fitzerald, M, Moore, A & Natera, A 2012, chapter 3 ‘Becoming part of the team’, in Chang, E & Daly, J, Transitions in nursing: preparing for professional practice, 3rd edn, Elsevier, Sydney.
Lumby, J 2012, chapter 8 ‘Caring for self: the role of collaboration, healthy life style and balance’, in Chang, E & Daly, J,Transitions in nursing: preparing for professional practice, 3rd edn, Elsevier, Sydney, pp. 111-116.

MacDonald, MB, Bally, JM Ferguson, LM, Murray, BL, Fowler-Kerry, SE & Anonson, JMS 2010, ‘Knowledge of the professional roles of others: a key professional competency’, Nurse Education in Practice, vol. 10, pp. 238-242. (Attached)
Nancarrow, S, Booth, A, Ariss, S, Smith, T, Enderby, P & Roots, A 2013, ‘Ten principles of good interdisciplinary teamwork’,Human Resources for Health, vol. 11, no. 19, pp. 1-11. (Attached)

The Advisory Board Company 2013, ‘Collaborating across disciplines’, YouTube video, (1.42 min).

AHC Learning Commons 2012, ‘Interprofessional teamwork’, YouTube video,(2.16 min).

Pre-tutorial activities
Activity—Case study 8.2: Inter-professional collaborative practice scenario
Case study 8.2 (Chang & Daly 2012, p. 123).
You have been asked to work in cardiac rehabilitation following graduate studies in this area. The model of care in the unit is collaborative involving a physiotherapist, psychologist, social worker, doctors and yourself as a specialist registered nurse. In the case conferences you notice that your opinion is consistently ignored despite your expertise in the area. In addition you are never asked for your ideas when difficult situations are encountered.
What steps could you take to change this?
Explore the way an effective collaborative model involving practitioners from several disciplines could work most effectively. See the Nancarrow et al. (2013) eReading.
Who should be at the centre of a collaborative model of care and why?

Tutorial/workshop activities

Activity 1—Discharge planning: the importance of family and team collaboration?
Your class tutor will guide you through the following scenario.
Scenario brief as provided by Edith Cowan University.
Gary Mitchel is a 20-year-old man who has experienced a traumatic brain injury during a car accident nine months ago. Gary‘s physical injuries and brain damage have resulted in him having to relearn basic tasks including walking, talking and swallowing. Frontal lobe damage has resulted in significant behavioural changes: he is impulsive, aggressive and sexually uninhibited, which is challenging for the staff caring for him.
Both staff and family are unhappy with the current care environment. The clinical nurse manager arranges a team meeting to discuss Gary’s behaviour and the choices that need to be made to manage his physical and psychological issues, his ongoing rehabilitation and discharge planning.
In class you will view the entire picture, as the communication within the health care team transitions from inadequate to effective. You will also have opportunity to discuss the scenario as the case unfolds.
(Edith Cowan University, Interprofessional Ambulatory care Program, ‘Discharge planning: the importance of family and team collaboration’, Activity 3—Complete the CaseWorld activity
James Bates—Critical incident
Consider the ‘Critical incident’ if time permits.
• What resources or suggestions do you have for James in this situation?
• What are the clinical governance implications?

Additional resources/videos
University Leicester 2010, ‘Interprofessional team work’, YouTube video,(18.24 min)

University of Arizona-Interprofessional Education and Practice 2012, ‘Stories from interprofessional practice’,(8.12 min)

The following videos are useful with regard to the nursing role and students considering their future careers in Aboriginal health. The Australian and Canadian experience can be compared.
Waterbyrd Filmz 2008, ‘Nurse TV: Medical ward, YouTube video,

Canada’s CHCs 2010, ‘Hand in hand: interdisciplinary teams in community health centres’, YouTube video, (13.45 min)
NMBA 2006 ‘National competency standards of the registered nurse,’ pp. 7-9,
Assignment 1: Part B
Choose three (3) modules that you will contribute for the online Discussion forum (from Modules 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 & 11):
• Refer to the forum questions for CPD and TPPP considerations below, the activities in each module and link the experience of James Bates from CaseWorld when contributing.
• Please make a 200 word initial contribution followed by 100 words of responses to other students.
• Contributions to the forum must include a brief background and explanation to provide context with regard to James and for each of your chosen modules.
• Agree/disagree statements when responding must be accompanied with why you agree/disagree.
• Responses to the forum questions may require you to access resources from other modules.
• Responses must demonstrate interaction with other students.

Assignment 1 Part B – Case World – James Bates online forum
For this assignment students are to consult with Case World and the experience of James Bates, a first year new graduate registered nurse. James kept a diary for the first months of his transition to professional practice (TPPP) and recorded a series of reflections, critical incidents and scenarios in which he was involved. Successful completion requires that students choose 3 modules (from Modules 3-11) found in the study plan, complete the activities and contribute their answers to the forum questions for CPD and TPPP consideration, linking them to James Bates experience and contributing to the discussion forum (200 words). Students will only be able to see the contribution of other participants in their class after they have made an initial contribution per module. Students are then to provide 100 words of responses to other students.
Here are the rules for the forum:

• Refer to the forum questions for CPD & TPPP considerations below, the activities in each of your chosen modules and link the experience of James Bates from Case World when contributing.
• Please make a 200 word initial contribution that answers the forum questions linking the experience of James Bates, per chosen module followed by 100 words of responses to other students.
• Contributions to the forum must include a brief background and explanation to provide context with regard to James. This is required for each of your chosen modules.
• Agree/disagree statements when responding must be accompanied with why you agree/disagree.
• Responses to the forum questions below may require you to access resources from other modules.
• Responses must demonstrate interaction with other students.

Forum questions for CPD & TPPP considerations

• Discuss one strategy from each of your chosen 3 modules (i.e. 3 strategies required) that would be considered during transition to professional practice.
• State rationale for choosing the strategy.
• Discuss how this strategy is applicable to your 5 year continuing professional development plan.
• State how this learning will change your practice.
• Provide a minimum of one source of evidence demonstrating the benefits to your career from the literature.

Performance standard
criteria Pass Unsatisfactory
Excellent integration of the experience of James Bates within the initial contribution.

Initial contributions to include 200 words for first module chosen, 200 words for second module chosen and 200 words for third module chosen.
Excellent integration of the experience of James Bates within the initial contribution.

Insightful and constructive contributions relating to the three chosen modules.

Excellent background and explanation to provide context.
No integration of James Bates within the initial contribution

Very superficial, limited or no contributions relating to the three chosen modules.

No back ground provided when contributing.

Integrates the experience of James Bates within the student 100 word interaction/response. Demonstrates high quality interaction with other students in the online study forum for each of the three chosen modules.
Excellent integration of the experience of James Bates within the interaction.

Insightful interaction with other students with regard to the three chosen modules.

Agree/disagree statements accompanied by insightful rationale, showing depth of understanding of module content.

Applies concepts both inside and outside of course content from the three chosen modules which relate to the James Bates and the questions posed. No integration of James Bates within the interaction.

Superficial, limited or no interaction with other students’ with regard to the three chosen modules.

Agree/disagree statements have no or little rationale or rationale not relevant.

Application of content from the three chosen modules is difficult to discern. Little relationship to James Bates and the questions posed.

Contributes/responds constructively in the online forum and provides back ground and explanation to provide context.
Insightful and constructive contributions relating to the three chosen modules.

Excellent background and explanation to provide context. Very superficial, limited or no contributions relating to the three chosen modules.

No back ground provided when contributing.

Contributes one strategy from each of the three chosen modules that would be considered for implementation during transition to professional practice.

Provided rationale for choosing the strategy.

Stated how this learning will change practice
Contributes one strategy from each of the three chosen modules that would be considered during transition to professional practice.

Provided insightful, concise and comprehensive background explanation for choosing the strategy.

Stated how this learning will change practice. Concise and insightful contribution. Contributes one strategy from each module that would be considered during transition to professional practice.

Provided minimal or no background explanation for choosing the strategy.

No indication of how this learning will change practice.

Links between the strategy considered for transition to professional practice and 5 year continuing professional development plan are clearly made
Logical and comprehensive links made between the chosen strategies and 5 year continuing professional development plan.

Superficial, limited or no links made between the chosen strategies and 5 year continuing professional development plan.

Provides evidence to support assertions.

Adheres to discussion forum etiquette

Accurate Harvard Referencing of all assertions and sources

Provides a minimum of one source of evidence to support benefits of each strategy to your career.

100% accurate Harvard referencing of all assertions and sources. No source of evidence provided to support benefits of this strategy to your career.

More than six format errors in reference list.

Where students do not adhere to discussion forum etiquette it is possible to fail the assignment.

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