PSY 350 Week 2 Discussion 2 OPTION B

This week you were introduced to the role of the central and peripheral nervous
system in controlling movement. The reading also discussed the role of these
systems in movement disorders. One of the most well-known of these movement
disorders is Parkinson’s disease. .

Option A: Search
the Ashford University Online Library for a peer-reviewed research study or
review published within the last five years that discusses the cause of
Parkinson’s disease. After reading this article and the text, what structure(s)
and neurotransmitter(s) do you think are most important in the development of
this disorder? What does this suggest would be possible treatment strategies for
this disorder? Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at
least one peer-reviewed research study that was published within the last five

Option B:  Search the Ashford University Online
Library for a peer-reviewed research study or review that was published within
the last five years on the use of stem cells to treat parkinson’s disease.
Provide a brief summary of this article as part of your discussion. Do you agree
with the argument that the article is making regarding the use of stem cells? In
your discussion, be sure to address the likelihood of this being a successful
treatment strategy.  You should also discuss any ethical concerns with this
treatment approach.  Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and
utilize at least one peer-reviewed research study that was published within the
last five years.

Guided Response: Review several of your
classmates’ posts.  Respond substantively to at least two of your peers, one who
selected Option A and one who selected Option B.  Compare and contrast your
peers’ response with your own.  Which causes and methods of treatment do you
think are most appropriate based on your research?  Do you agree or disagree
with your peers’ rationale in regard to the use of stem cells in Parkinson’s

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