umuc hcad660 week 5 discussions

Start a new discussion string for your group (groups 1, 2, 3, 4…n should have its own discussion string under this conference heading) and post your project plan by the due date. Here is the required format: Planning Template Group/Team Project: Due in week 5 Updated in week 9 Arroyo Fresco Study: How you organize, lead, manage, problem solve, engage and innovate are part of the graded experience. 1. How will you determine how the work/tasks will be distributed/shared among the group? 2. How will you match individual strengths/weaknesses to the tasks? 3. How will you select a leader for the group? 4. What authority is vested in the leader and the group? 5. How will you handle nonperformance or non-participation of a group member should it occur? 6. How will you handle disagreements, conflict and negotiation should it occur? What challenges do you anticipate? How well you manage conflict is part of the team’s grade. Please document any challenges and solutions you use. 7. What “people/team/professional skills” are expected of the group members? E.g. be on time, attend all meetings/conferences. 8. How will you gain consensus of the team paper form/content/conclusions before it is to be submitted? If consensus is not evident, how will you reconcile the format and content of the final paper? 9. Will you have a final editor? Who will be responsible for assuring that all facets of Blooms critical thinking, spelling, grammar etc. are clearly evident and demonstrated in the paper? 10. 0.How will time management be handled? By who? I have had this question asked over the years teaching this course and I wanted to explain, simply, the method I use to deal with this problem of a group member not participating in the group work. I load extra group members in each group (case study groups are larger than the 4 student group that is standard; groups have 5 to 6 student members) to help with this problem as well. Also, here is my rule on group member non-participation in the case study group work project. How you will handle non participation, conflict or poor quality work is part of the assignment and should be detailed in your plan and agreed upon by all team members. Managing conflict and non performance is a part of any team. Here are some examples of plans developed by previous groups for non participation: Example 1: Notify the non/minimum participant that they are not meeting their commitments and give them a deadline to submit specific work. If they do not contact you within 48 hours send a second notice that unless they communicate with the team/leader the team will consider reassigning their portion of the work to other team members. If they respond, work through the conflict and post your solution. If no response or their work is reassigned they will likely fail the course. Use this power with complete understanding of the consequences. Provide professor with all your documentation (copy professor on all communications) of your decision and I will notify the tardy member of the consequences of their inaction as detailed in the plan. If the team testifies to the non/inadequate work the errant member can lose all or part of their grade for the assignment depending on the amount of work contributed or not contributed. Example 2: Non participants. Negotiate a mutually acceptable solution with the errant member(s). Modify your “plan” and notify the professor Hope these examples are helpful. It is up to the team to specify in the first plan how this will be handled. ……Dr.Pew

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