Risk Assessment Assignment

PURPOSE: This assignment is risk assessment of a health condition that is not covered in the course. It will allow for the expansion of knowledge and the ability to determine health behaviors which may decrease risk for disease development. COURSEOUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: 1. Explain the pathophysiologic processes of select health conditions. (PO1) 2. Predict clinical manifestations and complications of select disease processes. (PO 1, 8) 3. Correlate lifestyle, environmental, and other influences with changes in levels of wellness. (PO 1, 7) DUEDATE:See course calendar. The college’s Late Assignment Policy applies to this activity. TOTALPOINTSPOSSIBLE:100 points REQUIREMENTS: Please select a disease process from any of the body systems that are covered in this course or the hematologic or reproductive systems. You cannot choose a disease process that is already covered in NR282 or in NR 281. Research the risk factors for the disease. Feel free to consult with your faculty member as you have questions about the assignment. PREPARING THEPAPER: Describe lifestyle, genetic, environmental, cultural, age, gender and other risk factors for the selected disease. Identify if these risk factors are modifiable or non-modifiable. Discuss health promotion/disease prevention activities to alter the modifiable risk factors. Discuss ways that nurses or other health providers would use this information. Use literature to support your statements. This paper should be 3-5 pages in length and follow APA writing style. Finally, prepare a short summary of your paper that would fit on a 3X5 note card to share with your classmates. This should be uploaded into the discussion tab found in Module 6. DIRECTIONS ANDGRADINGCRITERIA Assignment Category Points % Description Identification of risk factors 30 30% Describe the lifestyle, genetic, environmental, cultural, age, gender or other risk factors for the selected disease. Use information from resources that are current and relevant to the specified disease topic. Determine if these are modifiable or 10 10% Of the risk factors identified, determine which risk factors are modifiable or non-modifiable. Provide a brief description of the rationale(s) for your determination. .gif”> Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 282 Pathophysiology II .gif”> nonmodifiable List measures to alter the risk factor 15 15% Based on your determination of modifiable vs. non-modifiable risk factors, identify health promotion and/or disease prevention activities that the person can take to alter the risk factor(s). Provide a brief description of evidence-based information from resources that are current and relevant that address these risk factors. Discussion about use of risk factor information 20 20% Use evidence-based information from resources that are current and relevant that address how nurses and other health professionals would use the information derived from the risk assessment. Include in your discussion how the professional’s understanding of the pathophysiologic process is applied. APA Style and Organization 5 5% The assignment should be typed and presented in APA (6th ed.) format. This includes title page and references with in-text citations. Spelling and grammar will be evaluated with this assignment. The paper should be 3-5 pages in length. Summary posted in discussion. 20 20% Post a shortsummary that might fit on a 3X5 note card in the discussion tab located in Module 6 for others to view.

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