Facts for both Alcohol and Drugs.

. Visit the following web site and write a ½ page summary of the services provided by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency, Inc. be sure to look at the FAQ/Facts for both Alcohol and Drugs. You may find some things you didn’t know:


2. Rohypnol and GHB are two drugs often referred to as “Date Rate” drugs. Compare and contrast the two. Discuss why they may work well as a “date rate” drug, how available they are, street cost, and current trends.

3. There are several plants that contain naturally occurring CNS depressants. Find one and research it. Are there dangers in using these herbals? What side-effects exists, can they be habit forming? Write up ½ page about what you discover. Be sure to include resources.

4. Children of Alcoholics (COA) and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) suffer from numerous issues. Research one of these groups. Write up a 1 page essay on what you learned.

Be sure to site all references used in your work using APA reference/footnote style

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