observation on how people will behave in setting

  • Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words:
  • First, select the diverse setting where you will be conducting your observations.
  • Next, before you conduct your observations, briefly write how you think people will behave in this setting. Be sure to reference any past examples or experiences that you used to formulate your predictions.
  • Conduct your observations. For each observation, complete the following:
    • Observe people coming in, mingling, and going out. Write down your observations of who, what, when, and where, and speculate on the why of their behavior.
      • How do people enter?
      • How are they dressed?
      • Whom are they with?
      • Where do they sit?
      • How do they react to others?
      • How do they participate in the gathering?
      • What are they doing?
      • When do they respond?
      • Why do you think they behave the way they do in this setting?
    • Compare the 2 studies.
      • Identify any new conclusions and theories you may have developed about the behavior of people in the setting you chose.
      • How do they differ from your original hypotheses? Explain.
      • What did you learn in the process?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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