Importance of Mega Ports in International Trade

Most countries have faced problems when inspecting their cargo containers. The  countries have not been able to scan the containers  using radiation. This has resulted to more problems in the country. In addition, before the construction of mega ports, it was difficulty for countries to participate in international trade. This affected productivity and profits in the countries (Bureau of National Affairs, 2003).

The ports are currently being differentiated by  their ability to handle containers ships well. The United States government decided to construct  the mega ports to enabled effective inspection of cargo containers before they arrive at the shore. The  mega porters are  developed using the  current technology to enabled them to handle cargo and also  scan  them.

The mega ports are important to  international trade. First, the  mega ports have helped improve production in the countries. The ports have helped countries ship goods easily. This has increased the sales in the countries. The countries offer unrestricted export and import of goods. This has helped increased  production in the country.

In addition, the mega ports have  helped  improve  efficiency  in  handling  and   inspection  of  goods. Most countries  are  able  to get  their cargo  containers  easily  through  the mega ports. Also, the countries are able to inspect their goods before they reach the destination. The countries inspect goods using current technology like radiation. The mega  ports  have  also  reduced  the cost of transporting goods and manufacturing  cost. This has in turn increased sales in the country. Lastly, the mega profits  have  helped  link  different countries, hence  improving  international  trade (Bureau of National Affairs, 2003).


Bureau of National Affairs ( Arlington,Va).(2003).International trade reporter, Volume 20. The Bureau of National Affairs

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