Student Counseling

Programs being used by managers and administrators in any institutions get outdated and it is therefore the responsibility of the managers to determine how to discard it.They need to know some details which help them to know if it is viable. The basic of these details include knowing the essence of the program and why it was created.

When a program is not delivering the services it was made to deliver it is then said to functionless. This may come due to the changing routine and the ways people do things. As a result this renders the program useless.

When the people who were meant to use the program shift to other programs it means that the program is not of use to them. When they get the same services but from other programs, it means that the original program is of no use to them and hence not viable. This may result from emergence of other better programs which serve the users better.

When the output of the program is diminishing it means that it needs to be changed. The decrease in production may come as result from negligence among the users of the program which make it to be less effective.

If the program is not recognized generally both internally and externally it means that it should be changed. This may result from the program being a waste or due to production of unfavorable results. They then consider changing it if is uneconomical amongst the users and to the institution as a whole.

When the programs are not bringing change to the users, it means that they are ineffective and therefore they are obsolete. This may also come as a result of failure to implement the programs as it is stipulated in the plan. (Posavac, 2010)


Posavac, E.J. (2010) Program evaluation: Methods and case studies 8th Ed. USA: Prentice Hall publishers

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