A Logistic Strategy Plan


A strategic plan is a road map process towards achieving set objectives and goals or accomplishments in an organization. In this case, there are embedded factors such as the internal factors and the external factors in developing a logistic strategic plan. The internal factors are influence s from within the strategic plan such as processes within the plan; while external factors are the influential processes out side the logistics strategic plan that directly affect development of this process.

A tactical or operational plan is a premeditated functionality of logistic implementation process to be carried out. Developing a workable logistic strategic plan one must consider how the internal factors and external factors are going to influence the whole process while trying to implement the plan.

Whenever an enterprise is to be created there is always strategic planning required to begin the business in a more effective way. In this process there are underlying factors that must be considered to make the process operational. The most challenging factors in implementation of this enterprise plan is lack of operational processes that are considered to be the driving force towards making the business operate normally as expected during the initial stages of planning.

For a business for operate there must be capital to begin it as well as continuous support to make it stand firm and continue operating before it can stand on its own when all the balances are met. Strategic planning without the operational support causes the business to stagnate or mark time on one position without progressing towards any direction or in other words the result is lack of development leading to a sudden halt and collapse of the business enterprise.


Therefore it is of immense magnitude to follow up a strategic plan to make sure that the last result of the plan is achieved which in other words is the achievement of the whole process. Operational plan is also another process that can not be avoided in implementing the organizations effectiveness and accomplishments.


John F. Dix and H. Lee B Mathews (2002): The process of strategic planning Article No1 of 10 Retrieved on July 13, 2012 http://www.bdi-ltd.net/All_Articles.pdf

Leif Enarsson (2006). Future logistics challenges Google online books Retrieved on July 13, 2012


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