Carbon Monoxide

The growing  momentum  on  global  warming  in the US


The United  States  accounts  for a quarter  of human  caused  emissions  of air trapping  greenhouse  gases like Carbon  dioxide(CO2). These gases  are   from  burning  fossils  such s gas,  coal  and oil, build  up in te  atmosphere  which traps  the heat  causing  global  warming.  Since  prehistoric  times  ,  the concentration  of  carbon  dioxide in  the air  has increased  by approximately 30%.   This has  already caused  harmful  effects  in the natural world. Warnings  have  been  given  in regard  to total  amount of  warming  exceed  2  degree  C.  This will  cause  severe harm  to human  and  wildlife  community.  In  order to ensure warming  stay  below  this mark  CO2 emissions   has  to be  reduced in  the most  immediate  fact.The  US has  a responsibility  to play  in  reducing  CO2  emission ,  this can  be done  by  putting  in place meaningful  policies  to guarantee  near term reforms.

Global surface temperatures are likely to rise further in the 21st century. Many authors have written various books and articles on global warming; its cause, effects and the future of global warming. Some have written on the predicted impacts and how detrimental effects can be reduced. However, other authors, journalist and academicians have refuted the whole issue of global warming. Some say global warming does not is inexistent while others say that the earth is currently at cooling effects.This paper will present some of these sources that will describe whether the authors are in support of the issue of global warming and its existence or not.

Literature review

Every time an individual breathes, he risks inhaling thousands of chemicals that are all over the atmosphere. In this text, I look at the environmental hazard of air pollution and its consequences in the environment. I will also look at what is being done to address this hazard as well as the effect of politics on reducing their risk. All contaminants that find their way into the atmosphere are regarded as air pollution. These contaminants could be either gaseous or particles. Although sources of air pollution can be natural, human beings have been cited to be the main contributors to air pollution (Melas et al. 2003). Air pollution has become a global concern with its leading causes being nitrogen oxides, organic compounds as well as carbon monoxides.  In the U.S alone, more than 90% of air pollution has been attributed to automobiles combusting fuels as well as power plants burning fossil fuel. Effects of air pollution to the environment are serious and have the capability of affecting future generations.

Their harmful effects on natural ecosystems can result on destruction of plant’s leaves hence killing plants as well as trees. Pollution of rivers has also resulted to the death of fish and other water creatures.With these adverse effects of air pollution in mind, policy makers, governments as well as scientists have come up with various approaches to try and remedy the situation. In the U.S this has lead to enactment of air pollution control laws that require industries to shift to production methods which will minimize emissions (Melas 2003). It should however be noted that a lot needs to be done to fully mitigate the effects of air pollution. Melas et al. (2003) argues that the answer to air pollution issues should not be left to the political leadership alone this is because once in office, political leadership tends to take a look warm approach to the issue of air pollution. It should be noted that to fully deal with the issue of air pollution, more innovative and responsive measures need to be taken. These efforts should not be left only to those countries experiencing the effects of air pollution. Rather it should be a joint effort bringing along various stakeholders.

The Issue of Global  warming in the United States

Politicians  have played  a great  role in  determining the future of  global  warming  in this country.  As  we can  remember  when  Bush  administration took  over  office,  the leaders  had constantly rejected  taking  a responsible e approach  to mitigate  climate  change.  In fact it preferred  to increasingly support  sectors  in  the economy  that  are high in  carbon  emissions  with  the hope  that future  technology will  hand  and address  te  problem of  climate  change.  The Kyoto Protocol  has  many elements which  designed  and  requested  by US industry to promote  clean  air and  energy bill  policies  that would  extend  the country’s reliance  on  coal.  the US however rejected  this  protocol  an d the administration continues  supporting  short term gains  of big  business  at the expense  of long  term  planet sustainability.  This approach  has  since  then  placed  the US  at a position of  ensuring that  it participates in  global  action to see into climate  change  .  many countries  are now  weighing  on  whether they should  lower the re standards on  environment al  conservation  or have  the US behind  and continue  with  meaningful  emission  reductions.

Controversial issues

Many  have  seen the need  to support  meaningful  emission  reduction  as  a  way of  mitigation  the negative  effects  of global  warming. Some  have  however refuted s  the whole  ideal  of  global  warming  claiming that it is  a  non  existent phenomena. Studies  have  shown  that there has been an increase in average temperature of the earth near surface of the ocean and air. This is condition that started in the mid 20th century and is still continuing. The increase of surface temperature has risen from 0.74 ± 0.18 ° C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F).  There has  been  an increase  in temperatures due  to concentration of human activity fossils , and fuel burning like deforestation. Greenhouses gases have also contributed to this. The panel also concludes that isolations in natural phenomena such as vocalic eruptions and solar radiation have some cooling effect after 1950 (Hegel, 2007). The IPCC repost defines climate change as a state that can be identified by the use of statistical tests, or changes in the variability or mean of its properties which may persist for an extended period of time such as through decades. These changes are caused by human activity and greenhouse gases.

Temperature increase is widespread all over the globe which is evident in the increase of sea level, decrease in ice and snow, unpredictable climate changes and increased in intense tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic since 1970. Various sectors like the agriculture, human health tourism energy, water sector, infrastructures and settlement zones are the crucial  sectors for  adaptations  that  will  amends mitigation options( The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report ,2007).  Evidence  of global warming has been felt in the Amazon forest and the Gulf Stream. Other areas are wildlife, agriculture and the coastal region. The causes to this are mainly the changes caused by the human activities. However, efforts being made to solve the effects of global warming and ways which we can adopt the approaches (Maslin, M (2007, p 50-7).  Scientist  as have  to interact with  publics and political  systems  to address s the issue of  global  warming. The nature of modern scientific work is to confront difficult questions concerning the earth surface since global warming as a complex topic that threatens human survival (Spencer,2004, p 145).We are responsible to take an alternative to reduce and even eliminate the predicted effects that global warming has to the rising water level, marine life, and on desertification.

There is a growing danger as we continuously dump ninety million tons every twenty four hours in to the air that poses global warming pollution various regions of the world are now experiencing different temperatures that make it had to predict the weather. The heavy snowballs that occur in winter months is no longer a predictable occurrence yet people still insist that global warming is a myth (Gore, 2010 p 1). Global warming has increased the rate of evaporation from the oceans leading to heavy downfall as both snow and rain, for example what is experienced in the Northeastern region of the United States.  However,  some  have refuted  this whole idea of  climate  change  saying that the forecasters of climate are out there to scare and frighten people in the society. They say that the scientific methods that have been used to predict climatic change have been unrealistic and crude, for example in the case of Mt Kilimanjaro according to Botkin he acknowledges that it is melting away but not because of global warming. The melting pattern of the mountain according to him is due to change of air temperature around this mountain.


This shows the different notion of Botkin towards the realty and existence ofGlobal warming which is a skeptical way of persevering environmental reality. The last two materials by Botkin and Ball will assist in the research for they refute the first three articles. The researchers will therefore deal with the controversy that exists on the environmental topic- global warming.)


Hegerl, G .et. Al (2007). Understanding and Attributing Climate Change.  Retrieved from.

On May 21, 2010

WSJ opinions archive (2008) Global warming delusions by Daniel Botkin. Retrieved


On May 21, 2010

Ball, T (2007) GLOBAL warming: the cold, hard facts, Canada press, retrieved from

On May 21, 2010.

New York Times (2010) we can’t wish away climate change by Al Gore. Retrieved from

On 31st March 2010

Liverman, D.M. (2008) conventions of climate change:  the construction of danger and

the dispassion of the atmosphere, p 12–14. Retrieved from

On May 21, 2010

Maslin, M (2007) Global warming: causes, effects and the future, world life library,

Voyageur Press, p 50- 72.

Spencer R (2004) the discovery of global warming, Harvard University press,  p145

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