Deforestation in Maine

     Deforestation is the clearance of natural forest through logging and burning of forests. People carry out deforestation for various reasons (Power, 1998). People cut forests to burn charcoal. Others cut forests to get free land for farming. Urbanization has also led to deforestation. Deforestation has become a major concern. This is because of the effects of deforestation. Natural forests in many countries have been destroyed. This is mainly through logging of forests so as to get agricultural land and land to settle. Many of the world natural forests are being destroyed at a high rate. This paper analyzes the deforestation of Maine forests. 90% of Maine land is made up of forest areas. Forests are important to Maine economy as they contribute a lot to the countries GPD. This is in form of forest products. Also, forests are important to the wildlife and the citizens. They help protect water bodies in the region (Chew, 2001).

Deforestation at the Maine forests has become a major issue. The forests in the region have undergone deforestation for the last 20 years. Between 1970s and 1990s deforestation at the Maine occurred at a rapid rate. This is because of the paper companies situated in the region. The paper companies used forest products to make paper. This was common in the northern region. The companies harvested huge amounts of woods and converted them to paper materials. In the southern region deforestation was not common. This is because the region did not have many paper factories. Deforestation in the region was mainly done by land owners (Maine Forest Commissioner, 1892).

The causes of deforestation are similar in many countries as people have similar objectives. Several factors work together to promote deforestation (McDermott, Cashore & Kanowski, 2010). The causes of deforestation in other countries are similar to causes of deforestation in Maine. First, deforestation has become common in Maine region because of the globalization. Globalization leads to development of various types of industries. For example, globalization led to development of paper industries. The industries have a lot of benefit to the citizens, but they also have disadvantages. Paper industries have led to deforestation in Maine region as companies log trees to get the by products. This has increased the rate of deforestation in the region. Researchers have carried out research to determine causes of deforestation in making. The findings from the research showed that paper industries are the major cause of deforestation in the region. The paper industries were developed in 1970s and they started logging tress in 1970s (Palo & Vanhanen, 2000).

Also, the research showed that small land owners in the region have contributed to deforestation. This is because 95% of the land owners clear forests for different purposes. According to the study, land owners clear forests to get free land to carry out farming. Most participants in the study indicated that they clear forests to get farming land or land for agricultural activities. The number of land owners clearing land for agricultural activities has increased since 1970s. This is because many people rely on agricultural activities as the source of income (Palo & Vanhanen, 2000).

Land use has led to high rate of deforestation in Maine. This is mainly through urbanization and growing population. The growing population in the region has led to increase in deforestation. This is because people in the region clear land to get free land to settle. The government has adopted policies to prevent clear cut of forests in the region. This is as a result of urbanization and overpopulation (Palo & Vanhanen, 2000).

Another factor that has led to deforestation in Maine is the global market for forest products. The market for forest products has grown since 1970s. Most countries rely on forest products for various uses (Maine Historical Society, 1998). Developed countries have contributed to deforestation in Maine. Examples of the countries are United Sates and Europe. The countries import wood products and this has led to increase in the rate of deforestation. For example, United States has contributed to the exploitation of Maine forests while increasing its forests land. The country imports large amounts of woods. The growth in market for forest products has made it easy for landowners and contactors to harvest forests for economic value (Maine Historical Society, 1998).

Moreover, the prices of hardwood pulp wood in Maine have increased. For the last ten years, the prices have continued to increase (Maine Historical Society, 1998). This is a result of increase in demand and supply. Also, the increase in spruce fir has led to increase in prices of wood in the region. The growth of market needs have led to increase in harvesting power. This is because farmers in the region have a ready market for the products. The supply, demand and prices of hard wood and pulp wood have led to increase in harvesting pressure. The prices of pulp wood have increased since 1980s. As the consumption power and production of pulp woods and paper products increased in United States, the prices also increases as the buyers were ready to buy the product (Maine Historical Society, 1998).

The hardwood pulp wood production in Maine was lower than the softwood production in 1960s. Currently, hard wood pulp wood production is higher than softwood production. It is exceeds  soft wood production by 40%.The prices for hard wood pulp wood have also increased since 1960s.In 1997, hard wood pulp wood accounted for the largest percentage  of total timber costs in Maine. Researchers claim that as the demand of forest products rises, suppliers tend to supply more so as to make profits and charge high profits. The supply demand model has sustained the hardwood pulp wood industry in Maine. Researchers claim that increased production leads to increase in deforestation in the region. Thus, the high rate of deforestation in Maine (Maine Historical Society, 1998).

Third part certification is also a major cause of deforestation in Maine. Though the government has enforced laws to prevent harvesting of forests, the laws are not being followed. Researchers argue that there are other programs in the region that encourage deforestation. For example, third party certification of forests encourages deforestation. Third party certification implies a third party auditor is allowed to asses whether the practices of the land owner are inline with forest standards. The auditor either authorizes the landowner, the product or land. The authorization depends on the system the auditor has selected. The authorization of the product leads to deforestation as customers buy products that ate authorized. This forces land owners to harvest more. The land under certification in Maine is likely to increase (Bates, 2010).

Poor policies in Maine have led to increase in deforestation. This is because the policies do not prevent activities that have led to deforestation. For example, the policies do not control the prices of hard wood pulp woods in Maine. Controlling the prices of hard wood pulp wood in Maine will help lower the rate of deforestation in the region. The government should enact policies that control the prices of hard wood pulp wood. It should also enact policies that prevent third party certification and clear cutting. This will make it easy to prevent deforestation in the region (Peck, 2001).

Poor management of the forests has also led to increase in the rate of deforestation. This is because the forest in the country are not managed well and this encourages harvesting of forests in the region. Most people take advantage of poor management of forests in the region and start felling trees. Encourage proper management of the forests will help eliminate factors that cause deforestation. It will make it easy for the government to control harvesting of forests for trade and clearing of forests for settlement (Bates, 2010).

In conclusion, the government should develop strong measures to prevent deforestation in Maine as it has adverse effects to the wildlife and citizens. Preventing deforestation will enable the citizens in the region to realize the benefits of forests like purification of air and supply of water in the region (Bates, 2010).


Bates, D.G. (2010).Human Ecology: Contemporary Research and Practice. Springer

Maine Historical Society. (1998).Maine history, Volumes 38-39. Maine Historical Society

Palo, M., & Vanhanen, H. (2000).World forests from deforestation to transition?. Springer

Maine. Forest Commissioner. (1892).Annual report of the Forest Commissioner of the State of Maine, Issue 1.The Commissioner

Chew, S.C. (2001).World ecological degradation: accumulation, urbanization, and deforestation, 3000 B.C.-A.D. 2000.Rowman Altamira

Power, M.T. (1998).Lost Landscapes and Failed Economies: The Search for a Value of Place. Island Press

McDermott, C ., Cashore, B.,& Kanowski,P.(2010).Global Environmental Forest Policies: An International Comparison. Earthscan

Peck, T. (2001).The international timber trade. Woodhead Publishing

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