
 The Salvation Army is a denomination of the evangelical Christian church commonly known for the charity work it does. The salivation army is currently an international religious movement based in many countries of the world. William and Katharine Booth were the founders of the salivation Army. It was founded in the United Kingdom in   1865 with the name the East London Christian Mission.  The organization had a quasi- military structure (National archives, 2000).This paper will focus in comparing the    salivation army Human resources management with the   aspects  of  HR  discussed by   Robert Mathis and John Jackson (2007) in their books The Human resources management. The paper will give insights on   of the HR of salivation army can be highly effective.

The Salvation Amy of the human resources

The Human Resources of the salivation Army, according to Peter Ducker is one of the most effective organization in the United States. He says that no other organization comes close to this religious organization with respect to its innovative abilities, clear mission, dedication, measurable results, and utilizing money in the most maximum way (Watson, 2001).

A recently Peter Liege wrote about the Human Resource of the salivation army in his book about how to lead.  This is because the Army has well organized processes,   systems and networks which make it highly. To Liege, he thinks that the Salvation Army is an exceptional organization and as an agency dealing with social services. This is because it give it has made it possible to view the people they serve as human beings. This is the aspects of listening which is often improved from time to time.  It is therefore   an organization which is based on the principles of acting with audacity, organization to improvise and lead by listening.

The Salivation Army is an exceptional social service agency which has the advantage of being able to see the beneficiaries of the agency. Many organizations have tried to develop strategies of getting in touch with some marginalized communities in the country but they have not succeeded. The main aspects behind the HRM of the Salvation Army are to implement strategies which work and if these strategies are working then they is right.

Communication skills

The Salvation Army works in enhancing communication skills as well as helping its volunteers in learning sign language through the provision of advanced courses. Institutions like Centenary House and Salvation Army Thorndale Family Center have staff members who have distinction awards in communications skills.  Members of the community who are also helped by the agency are those suffering from hearing impairments and related condition. This means that the members of staff have undergone sufficient training to help them communicate well with the families aim need. For example, the staff members work in ensuring that there are parenting resource materials written in several languages, in sign languages, gestures, and eye contact. This form of communication helps the people the agency is serving and the staff members (The Salvation Army of the UK, 2009).

Roberts and Jackson John say that it is important for the Salvation Army to know the benefits of communication because it leads to satisfaction among the employees and it helps them in assisting the clients they serve on daily basis. Employers therefore have to develop various systems of educating employees on communication skills (Mathis, & Jackson, 2001, pp 47).The staff members of the Salvation Army have been well trained in sign language and the benefits of being a good listener which help them break any communication barrier which may arise as a result of miscommunication.  It is important for the staff members to understand the needs of those whom they serve who include the blind and the deaf among others.

Conflict management

            The Salvation Army of the Salivation Army has for more than twenty five years been committed in developing strategies of managing conflict. It aims   and ending domestic violence through the provisions of programs meant for the people they serve. Such programs educate the members of the public on the importance of good behavior and how to learn better ways of resolving conflict.  These programs have expanded to include agree management causes and handling stress. The agency offers helpline number through telephone calls. The service providers who are the Salvation Army staff members are also offered workshops of resolving various conflicts they may face. Such workshops include fighting for leadership position or personal conflict.  These programs therefore help the service providers and the public educators in ways of resolving conflicts among them, and managing anger and stress.

The Salvation Army is responsible for ensuring all conflicts are resolved within an organization. Mathis and Jackson say that the HR failure to understand the expectation of the different parties and the main cause of conflict means not meeting the goals of the organization. The HR resource is responsible in ensuring that members of staff have proper skills of communication, there is healthy team relation, able to analyze problems and resolve conflicts (Mathis & Jackson, 2001 pp 261).

Handling employee complaints

The Salvation Army provides workshop for company’s presidents, managers, directors, senor executive’s employee relation officer and the Salvation Army team. The Salvation Army benefits from these programs these programs are meant to help organizations in ensuring in ensuring that each employee is given an opportunity to develop through trainings. There is organization development and maximum work force performance.  In responding to employees complains by the human resource it means that there will be a direct impact on the method of resolving the conflict or the needed to resolve the conflict through the cause intervention. The HR  is  responsible for developing ways which  prevent  retaliation in  future, handling the complaints given by the employees with  extreme care determining the merit of the  company and to avoid  handing  a such a case carelessly.

The best ways of handling the employee and grievances requires that the Human resource team members are well conversant with proper communication skills which will enable them to resolve an issue in a decisive manner and to establish the root cause of the problem. The wrong reaction in responding to the problem by the HR team will instead escalate the problem. The HR therefore have to learn the competencies and skills which help in instilling the Salvation Army staff members and volunteers with confidence that each of their complaints will be handled with efficiency and their problem taken  seriously.

Employee motivation, psychological insights and management responsibilities

The Salvation Army has procedures and policies for encouraging professional development t for the future and present value of the organization’s mission. The volunteers and other staff members are given flexible work where by they can take   time off and for study leaves. The army also provides vocational training and other educational programs in collaboration with other organization for empowering them with the needed skills needed to each social sector workforce. The army support workplace safety and health. This includes both the psychological and physical health.  the  salvation  army human resource manual clearly  indicates  the  ways of  ensuring  all  the  needs   of the employees are meet.


The Salvation Army agency fully relies on the work of volunteers for   the support of its programs.  These volunteers play an important role in providing high quality social and community services. They play a vital  role  in  meeting the  changing  need of   people  around the  world .The volunteers are recruited to the Army based on their experiences and skills who end up making a significantly impact and contribution to the  lives of  many in the  society. This means that the volunteers work towards fulfilling the mission of the organization.

Each volunteer is assigned to work in a particular program.  This encourages evened the people of the community to participate in community development and up lift. The Salvation Army human resource ensure that each volunteer is assigned a safe, fulfilling, and significant duty which they can appreciate and get committed to the organization. The HR and the Board of directors have worked together   in ensuring that new and effective guidelines, tools and procedure are developed to   assist both the volunteer and leaders in achieving the goals of the organization.

The Salvation Army is responsible in for encouraging employee engagement for the attained of the organizational goals. The HR is responsible  in  aligning the business  through ensuring talents if the employees are well  utilized for the  creation  of development opportunities  within  an organization (  Mathis and  Jackson, 2001, pp 4)).

Recommendation for Business ethics for Christian leaders

The salivation army is among the body ofChristian leaders who should ensure they create positive attained necessary for motivating people of the world. The army should also expand its learning and growth programs beyond its volunteers and staff to also ordinary members of the community. It should be humble, provide people with hope, and set goals for solving people problems such as those suffering from alcoholism, drugs, homelessness, drug abuse and poverty.  It should continue to be a leader in ensuring there is effective communication and listening to people problem. Finally the organization should continue providing solutions to individuals and community problems.


 Watson, R (2001) the Most Effective Organization in the U.S.: Leadership Secrets of the Salvation Army, Crown Business

RathT and Conchie B (2007) Strengths -Based Leadership Publisher: Pgw pp 15-6

Mathis R & Jackson J (2007) human resource management

Blanchard, K and O’Connor (2007) Managing By Values.San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers,

The Salvation Army of the UK, (2009) 3 July 2009: Salvation Army Enhances Communication Skills

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