Health Promotion Planning Model-Precede Proceed Model
Health promotion involves providing information to communities, individuals and family members. This is done in a bid to help them increase their engagement in control of factors that affect their health. The process encourages commitment, family unity and the spirit of co-operation towards making positive contribution that will improve the health of all community members. Thus, in order for any health promotion model to be effective; it has to handle the promotion both at an individual level and at a communal level. This is because the individuals constitute the society and bear significance in terms of their influence on decisions made and actions taken.
Health Promotion Planning Model-Precede Proceed Model
Health promotion can be primarily promoted by the development of healthy public policies which will address the health prerequisites including employment, income, food security, housing and safe working/living conditions (Young, 2005). In light of this theory I would select the health promotion Planning Model-Precede Proceed model-as the best theory to use in my community (Central Florida region). This choice is based on the fact that behavior that influences health is based on a complex of various factors that affect both individuals and the community at large (Young, 2005). In the implementation of this method, I will start off with the first phase (Precede) that will involve the diagnosis based on behavior and contextual analysis. Each diagnosis will shall be accompanied by a stipulated policy that will enhance positive change. This diagnosis would involve social and behavioral analysis in relation to how they influence the health of the people. I will further assess the administrative and organizational structure and how they influence the level of education on health issues and policy making and implementation. Then I will finalize phase one analysis by a diagnosis on epidemiology and a subsequent analysis on how it may be influenced by the other diagnostic elements already analyzed. The Precede phase will determine the relevant changes in the environment and behavior that will be necessary in order to meet the policy goals (Zgodzinski & Fallon, 2008). In the second phase (Proceed) I shall identify and analyze the external and internal determinants that influence the target groups’ behavior. This will help me in determining the policies and correctional/ reformatory changes that are necessary to contribute in enhancing good health. The analysis of these determinants will involve factors that predispose people to their present behaviors such as drug abuse.
These may include will highlight factors that motivate negative behavior. The analysis will also involve a check on enabling factors that initiate action after predisposition-an example would be lack of employment or level of income (Kreuter & Green, n.d). Under the third phase of the promotion I will draw an implementation plan based on policies identified and formulated at the stage one diagnosis. In the implementation plan I shall identify the various instruments available for effecting the formulated policies. The implementation phase shall use regulatory tools such as laws and permits or economic tools such as subsidies, taxes and levies to enforce the policies. Other instruments that shall be used in this phase include communication tools that will sensitize people and structural provisions such as infrastructure. These will ensure the policies get a platform to materialize. Finally, I will assess the impact of the formulated policies and make an evaluation of the success of the promotion (Zgodzinski & Fallon, 2008). This promotional plan focuses on individual behavior and how that individual behavior is influenced by the community at large. On the other hand, the model also assesses the individual’s influence on society.
Young, K. T. (2005).Population health: Concepts and methods, 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: OxfordUniversity Press.
Zgodzinski, J. E. and Fallon, F. L. (2008).Essentials of Public Health Management. Tall Pine DriveSudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Kreuter, W. M. and Green, W. L. (n.d). Health Promotion: An educational and Environmental approach 2nd edition. Mountain View, CA: Maytield Publishing
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