Change in an Organization

Bringing change in an organization is not easy. Most organizations find it difficulty to bring change as they do not use the right procedures when bringing change. This in turn affects the implementation of change in the organization. Like other leaders, leaders in Rush university Chicago hospital wanted to bring change in the organization. The changing involved the adoption of a computerized system in the hospital. Before the adoption of the computer system, the hospital relied on manual means to process information and maintained records. The hospital adapted a computer system known as Epic. Learning how to use computer in the organization was a change.

Table of Contents

All the 2500 employees in the hospital were trained how to use computers before they started using them. Some of the employees were trained how to become supper users. The organization relied on experts to help implement the change. The experts helped the employees in using the new system. However, learning how to use the Epic system was hard for the whole organization. This is due to lack of adequate help and cooperation from the employees. After some time, the employees managed to learn how to use the system. All the employees in the hospital have accepted the change and learned how to use the system. The organization keeps adding new things as the employees continue training. The hospital has utilized the epic system for almost one and half years (Burke, 2010).

There are various stakeholders that are involved in the change. A stakeholder is a group of people who can be impacted by the action of an organization. There are various types of stakeholders. That is internal stake holders and external stakeholders. Examples of stakeholders in Rush university Chicago hospital include employees, customers and suppliers. Other stakeholders include creditors and the community. The stakeholders can be affected by the change being brought in the organization differently as they have different concerns. Employees in the hospital have different concerns. First, the employees in the organization are concerned about job security and respect.

Others are concerned with communication and pay rates. The   employees in the organization want open communication. The employees in the organization might be affected by introduction of the computer system. First, the introduction of the computer system might affect job security in the organization. This is because the organization might be forced to lay off employees who do not meet the requirements for using the system. Also, the hospital might lay off workers who are not able to acquire the right skills during training. This is to ensure the organization has only the best employees. In addition, the introduction of the new system might affect the employees pay rates and compensations.

For example, the hospital might be forced to reduce the pay for employees who do not have the right qualifications. It might also reduce the compensation offered to employees. On the hand, the introduction of the Epic system in the hospital might improve the pay fir the employees and communication. Failure to meet the needs of the workers can affect the implementation of the system. This is because most of the employees will not support it as it not inline with their interests. Others might support the system if it is beneficial to them (Burke, 2010).

Apart from the employees, the suppliers and creditors have various needs that need to be met by the hospital. The suppliers offer products and services that are offered to consumers. Most of the suppliers in any organization need equal business opportunity. The suppliers in the hospital need equal business opportunities. Hence, the organization should meet the needs of the suppliers. Also, creditors play an important role in the hospital and can be affected by the change.

The introduction of new computer system in the organization will force the suppliers and creditors to abide by the laws set. For example, the suppliers will be required to carry out their transactions online or using the new system. Same applies for creditors. Failure to consider the interest of the suppliers and creditors will lead to poor implementation of change. This is because the suppliers will not support the change process as it will affect their interests (Burke, 2010).

The community is also vital in the hospital. The community has different concerns from suppliers and creditors. First, the community is interested in getting jobs and conserving the environment. The community is also interested in clear and open communication and being involved in implementing the change. The new system will affect the community in different ways. First, it might lead to loose of jobs if the hospital fires those who do not have the right experience. It might also affect communication between the hospital and community and failure to include the community in decision making. This will in turn affect the implementation of the system as the community will reject it as it is not inline with its interests. Lastly, the customers will be affected by the change. Customers are important in the organization as they affect sales.

The introduction of the new system in the hospital might affect the consumers. For instance, it might influence the quality of services and products offered to the consumers. Customers need quality products and services. They also need satisfaction. The hospital might be able to meet the needs of the consumers after implementing the system. On the other hand, the hospital might not be able to meet the needs of the consumers and hence hinder the implementation of change in the organization.

There are various strategies that can used to effectively manage change in the organization. Organizations are supposed to manage change effectively so as to enhance productivity. First, the hospital should have the right leader so as to be able to bring change. The leader should have a vision and should also be able to guide other employees in the organization in managing change. In addition, organizations should have open communication so as to be able to manage change well. Poor communication might affect the management of change in the organization. The leaders should inform the employees the reason for change and its benefits. This will help prevent resistance from employees when implementing change and hence manage change well (French, Rayner& Rees, 2011).

Having the right team to manage change in the organization is vital. The hospital should select the right leaders from every department so as to be able to bring change. The team should be provided with the right resources so as to be able to manage change in the organization. Moreover, the organization should ensure the culture in the organization does not impact change. The organizational culture can prevent effective management of change. This is because it determines how employees react to the change. Some cultures encourage resistance among the employees and thus affect management of change. Changing the organization culture will help manage change (French, Rayner& Rees, 2011).

Further, the organization should monitor the change regularly so as to be able to determine the progress of the change. Evaluating the change helps identify problems with the new system and fix them. It also helps improve the management of change in the hospital (Sengupta &Bhattacharya, 2006).

Bring change in the hospital was not easy. This is because the management faced resistance from the employees. Most of the employees in the organization were not interested in the change and prevent the implementation of the new system. In addition, lack of clear vision and communication also affected the implementation of the change at first. However, the leaders managed to bring change in the organization. This was facilitated by various factors. First, the implementation of change was made successful by clear communication of reasons for change and benefits.

The leaders informed the employees about the benefits associated with the change. This made it easy for the employees to accept change. In addition, provision of the right support and resources when bringing change made the implementation of the change successful. The leaders provided the employees with the necessary training and help from experts. Also, commitment among the employees and leaders in the organization helped bring change. The leaders were committed in working with the employees in bringing change in the organization.

The organization has been successful in implementing change and has used the computer system for the last one and half years. The organization will follow the following plan when implementing change and managing it. First, the organization will develop the right vision and mission. After developing them they will communicate them to the employees. Then change the culture and train the employees. After that they will be required to monitor the change regularly (Sengupta &Bhattacharya, 2006).

Activities People Involved Time
Develop mission/vision Managers/leaders 1/06/2011-17/07/2011
Employees and leaders 18/07/2011- 23/08/2011
 Change culture and rain workers Employees, experts and leaders 24/08/2011-3/10/2011
monitoring Change management team 4/10/2011-15/112011




To: director of nursing


Ref: Introduction of new computer system in Rush Chicago university hospital

The Rush Chicago university hospital has introduced a new computer system known as Epic. The New system is part of change process in the organization. It is aimed at transforming the organization by improving services and products offered by the organization. The hospital has utilized the system for one and half years. There are different people who are involved in bringing change in the organization and are affected differently by the change.

This includes employees, suppliers and creditors. Others include consumers and the community. The organization has to meet the needs of these people so as to be to bring change and manage it. In addition, the organization has used the right strategies to bring change and manage it. First, the organization has good leaders who are committed to bringing change. It also has clear vision and mission. In addition, it has changed the organizational culture and developed the right team to manage change.



French,R.,Rayner,C.,Rees,G.(2011).Organizational Behaviour. John Wiley and Sons,

Burke,W.W.(2010).Organization Change: Theory and Practice. SAGE

Sengupta,N.,&Bhattacharya,M.S.(2006).Managing Change In Organizations. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

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