Evolution of Information Technology


Table of Contents

Information technology can simply be described as collection, storage, dissimilation and the use of information. Information technology is not restricted to hardware and software alone but it covers many areas which include the following areas: scientific technological and engineering disciplines and the techniques of management used in the handling of information and the processing of their application, computers and how mans interprets their functions, others machines and matters associated with social, economical and cultural matters.

It is notable that it is the data that leads to information, and the information leads to knowledge, the knowledge leads to wisdom and then it is the wisdom that is the key to existence and the civilization of mankind. The need to be more accurate in the processing of information has led to the revolution of the information technology. In the current generation the use of the use of the tools of computer and the Information technology can take people to the top of the new millennium or destroy the civilization of the human beings.

Some major activities that accelerated the information age

  1. In 1820’s Charles Babbage invested the first ever computer which was called by his name Babbage machine. This computer was based on mechanical discs and gears. It was the first step for the human beings to use of the computer.
  2. From 1890 – 1900, there was high and speedy development of the electricity use. In the year 1928, the electron movement thesis came and it opened diverse aspects towards the untouched fields. This invention of the equipments of electronic made the revolution scenario to speed up.
  3. Transistor was developed in the year 1943.

  4. In 1948, the first computer of the modern age was invented by US. It was called the ENIAC. This computer was based on the use of Vacuum tubes.
  5. In 1958, transistors became widely used because of the outstanding advantages they had. These included consumption of less power; they were more accurate; the computers could accommodate as many as 100 or even 1000s of the transistors. This lead to the size of the computer increasing to as large as a room.
  6. Transistors were replaced by ICs. ICs have evolved in the last couple of years and have in the recent become an algorithm designed based on chips which is sophisticated and also used for multitasking. Computers have now replaced ICs by neuron type chips and neural networks.

Technological aspects of Information technology

These entail some of the enabling technologies in this field; they include the following

  1. Generation of data
  2. Data handling and processing
  3. Movement of data

  4. Storage of data
  5. Retrieval of data
  6. Representation of data

Some basis of the enabling technologies

    • A global information infrastructure; the basis is the creation of a channel of information. This shows that information can move to one another which in simple terms can be described as the distribution of the information.
    • A national information infrastructure and a static information infrastructure which acts as a natural outcome to JIT (initial for Just in time) can be developed in a manner that is more integrated.
    • Information superhighways comprise of links of satellite, optical fibre links, networks of microwave both 3G and 4G networks, telephone waves, modes of communication, cellular phone stations, VSAT (Very small aperture terminal) terminals.

    • The most common hardware in the users is a Personal computer (PC) with multimedia technology and the communication links which are associated with it.
    • Operational and the application software. In summary the information system should behave in a certain manner. And this is very essential in order for it to perform its tasks.

Major technologies which evolved in the entire activities

i). Data processing & storage by computers

This was done in the form of silicon which was based on integrated technology (IC) technology

ii) Communication technology

There was intensive use of optical fibre communication which resulted to link in optic around the globe. The main boost to it came from development of computer technology and defense requirements. One would have wondered that the backbone of information technology which is embraced today started just as a small project (ARPANET). Its main aim was just to communicate within the requirements of the defense systems during the era of 1970s.

The basic of the communication technology can only be understood with the following flow diagram:








Sound or signal                Digital →              Digital →          Sound or signal

The optical fibre technology in the communication is widely used today and the main essence is to make sure that information is not lost by any means and in any amount. The technology of the satellite and the internet use has spread widely over the ages and today is been utilized in every sector to enhance development.

It has made work easier and more people can now communicate with one another in many ways and more efficiently. The emergence of these technologies has made communication more easy and cheap. The biggest booster was when the internet was incorporated in the mobile phones which has even made the communication very effective because it can be done anywhere and at anytime of the day.

iii). Memory technology

This technology is related to the improvement of the communication technology. This technology is broadly divided into two major parts which include:

Turoidal memory and semiconductor memory

Is an electronic data storage device which is often used as a memory in the computer. It is implemented on an integrated circuits based on semiconductors. Examples of the semiconductor memory include the non-volatile memory such as read only memory (ROM) magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) and flash memory. It also includes the volatile memory such as the static random access memory (SRAM). This relies on several transistors hence forming a digital flip-flop which is essential for storage of one bit. Also it entails the dynamic random access memory (DRAM) which uses one capacitor and one capacitor for storage of each bit.

Data in these storage memories is accessed by means of a binary memory address to the memory. If the memory address consist of n bits similarly the address area will consist of two raised by n addresses per chip. The semiconductors are constructed with a certain word length per chip. By combination of several integrated circuits memory can be arranged for greater lengths of words and the problem of large space occupation is addressed as compared to what is offered by each chip.

Laser memory devices such as CDROMS, DVD and LDROMS, MP3 systems

Laser is a short for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of radiation. Laser memory is a computer memory in which a controlled laser beam acts on individual and extremely small areas of a photosensitive or other type of surface, storage and subsequent readout of a digital data or other types of the information.

It is a directed-energy technology utilizing a beam of light in which all the wavelengths are equal and all the particles are in phase with one another. The motion of the photons is almost parallel due to this. This allows the beam to travel over a long distance but the increase in its square area does not increase significantly as well as the energy lost per area.

Concept in hardware – Neuron Chips

In software this concept can be termed as copying of the solution. As the mankind approaches the complex analysis the researchers are working tirelessly to develop computers that would bring the problems in to halt.

Artificial intelligence software; they are used for detection of fault in the field whether it is a space research center, automobile industries or any other related field. For example in the satellite launching vehicle if there arises any functional problem, the software will detect as well as find its own solution by itself.

Information technology application

The application of the information technology is in almost every sector. Some of the key areas where it is commonly used include the following:

i.     Education and training systems

In many learning institutions the management has embraced technology to very advanced levels. It has been used by the tutors in teaching. Teachers have used internet to sent online notes to their students and also administer exams and assignments. This has led to the development of online learning systems which makes learning very efficient because one can learn from which location to any university in the globe. Students can also access learning materials online. This makes learning very quality and enjoyable.

The school management has made use of the improved technology to manage their database and make it safer. Students can now access their exam results online without much hustle.

ii.  E-governance

Governments have installed high quality technology in their departments in order for them to coordinate the activities well. Key among them is that the technology has made it easy to obtain information, handle which include its storage and processing and then easy passing of the obtained information to the necessary persons.

It has become easier for the government departments to know how the staffs are performing and what needs to be improved. Coordination of different departments located in different parts of the states is now cheaper because one doesn’t need to move to the location but just communicate online and get the necessary information.

iii.   Industrial sector

This is an area where improved technology has impacted very positively. It has given industries a competitive advantage in the commerce industry especially. This has been brought about by the inclusion of e-commerce in the systems of many industries.

Industries which do advertisements using the improved technology reach many people which and with greater efficiency. This has seen their business go up tremendously with increased profits. Industries get the services of materials necessary for running of the business from the internet which helps in upgrading their systems.

iv.     Improvement in social interaction

Internet has played a great role in making people to interact socially. This has helped people to meet new friends online. It is very common especially amongst the youth and the middle age. Some have even used the power of technology to get marriage partners. This was made possible with the development of social networking sites which make people to interact online. Families can also communicate with their family members residing in other countries with ease and more cheaply.

v.     Employment to multitude of people

Technology has been feeding many livelihoods in the society. This is by provision of employment to many people in different institutions. Every institution today has a personnel dealing with technology. This has led to improved economy because employment is one of the measures of the economic growth. Employment has been provided the communication industry, in the computer usage as well as in the electronic media. It will be right to say that technology nowadays is feeding many nations.


Technology has come a long way in the society. Today its impact is been felt in the society. It has impacted the society positively and also negatively in a way though minimal. Technology therefore needs to be used wisely because it can give both good and negative effects. Technology is very essential and those not utilizing its full benefits are feeling the negative impacts associated with it. They are actually far much behind those using it.

All we need is to be acquainted with the technology in the modern society so that we can reap the maximum benefit associated with it. We should make sure we get the necessary skills needed to use it for our benefit.


Copeland, D.C. et al (1995) Waves of change: Business evolution through information technology: USA: Harvard business press

Deloitte (2009) The evolution of information technology: Don’t forget the people: Deloitte business journal. USA

Dhamma (2010) Evolution of information technology General business articles, opendb

Visscher, A.J. (2009) Evolution of information technology in education management: USA: Springer

Mutsaers, E.J. et al (1998) ‘The evolution of information technology,’ Information management & computer security

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