
Advertisement and Communication in the public service

Advertising is a mass communication form this communication is given by the company to the potential user and buyers of the company’s products. Advertising is a communication form which aims at persuading the potential customers to consume and purchase a particular service or product.  Bovee defines advertising as a communication which is non personal and is paid for advisements have to be persuasive in nature about the services and   products.  In, public advertising the commonly sent message is an idea which aims at changing the thinking and habits of the citizens. This message is an idea which has been identified by the sponsors and passed through a medium of communication.

Advertising is an important form of communication which promotes commercial   services and goods and informs, motivate, and educate the members of public. The public  services  has managed to educate  the  members of  public on  ideas based  on  disease eradication like polio, HIV/ AIDs  awareness, waters, drinking responsibly and driving, trees conservation , electricity and animals. The main aim of public service announcement and advertising is for the interest of public interest. The public service can use the internet, radio, Television, magazines, cinema, sandwich aboard, transit card and billboards to make announcements to the public. The public services choices either of the medium to reach the targeted people.

These are the paid form of communication which makes up an advertisement.

Communication must meet three criteria for it to be considered as an advertisement. Advertising is seen as a form communication process. Communication is a vital aspect of enhancing human sustainability and existence. Understanding communication is a vital aspect in advertising. Communication involves both the mass communication and communication in general. It is important to understand advertising basic and how it works as a communication form. This is possible when we consider the current framework of mass communication. An integrated brand promotion is about using various communication tools in a manner which is coordinated to maintain and build brand identity, preference and awareness.

Communication effort in creating brand recognition involves the need of developing a synergistic and coordinated message. This helps in avoiding instances where advertising becomes perceive and redundant.  Any advertisement should aim at going beyond the obvious thinking and common. It should instead be unique, distinctive and recognizable its form of communication.  This means that and the communication in advertising should attain three main elements. These are that the communication should be passed through a mass media, it should have the element of paid sponsorship and its intent should be persuasive. An advertisement passes a specific message needed by a company or parasitical.  An example of a recent public service announcement the one on stopping abortion. It has effectively used all the three communication elements. Its effectiveness can be seen in through the simple and persuasive form of communication (Respect for life, 2010).

Each point in this advertisement is well argued which makes the readers think in a different way. The advertisements are about convincing members of the public to take the necessary steps in preventing abortion. These steps are the use of contraceptive, vasectomy, preventing conception through the use of condoms, and practicing safe sex.

At the end of each paragraph there is a concise summary which is a clear and realistic message. This  announcement has  been placed in the internet which is also a medium of communication  which a good  number  of  public members  have an  access to. The message in this advertisement is easy to understand, simple and short.  it  has  tried to pass the  message of anti-abortion  through  simple  ideas  which  would  generate  response  and  create  awareness. It is an advertisement which has been sponsored by the Respect for Life organization based in Portland.

The advantages and disadvantages of creating a house agency for a company

An in-house advertising agency is operated and owned by the advertiser who he is its on clienet.  The company has the choice of using an in-house advertising agency instead of outsourcing its advertisement on to another agency. Its campaign and advertisement are held responsible by its own advertising agency. Developing an in-house marketing agency is highly benefited to a company’s budget. Advertising through hiring another advertising agency can greatly costs the company but when it creates its own in house advertising agency, a lot of money is saved. This means that the in-house agency is capable of ensuring there is increase in sale and at the same time costs of adverting is saved. The in-house agency acts as the centered of market research for the company as well as insuring the designs of service and product is fulfilled. The agency also acts as a helper in implementing and fulfilling the requirements of the business plan and strategies set by the company (Wernick, 1991, pp 143).

The in-house agency ensures that inefficiency within the company is eliminated and reduced. It helps find the hidden advantages and talents of suppliers and printers. Low costs of advertising are achieved by the use of an in-house advertising because there is the elimination of middlemen ship, and media placement fees. Another advantage of using an in-house advertising agency is that it is safe and secure than the use of other advertising organization. This is because of the fact that the employees from these organizations would know so much about the company. They would therefore not consider helping the organization in ways which would out competent them. For long term reasons the in-house advertising agency is  beneficial because it offers the  corporation vital opportunities such as well coordinated strategies for marketing,  to  satisfy the marketing  needs of  the parent corporation(O’Quinn , Allen. and Semenik 2008).

An in-house marketing agency unlike a tradition marketing department provided the opportunity to create a strong relationship between the parent corporation and other businesses which are unrelated. The in-house marketing agency open doors for business acquisition for all the mother corporation’s divisions and other prospective companies. The in-house marketing agency can also be positioned publicly which would operate as an independent body despite it being owned by the firm partially (O’Quinn, Allen. and Semenik 2008).

The potential disadvantage of using an in-house advertising agency should be considered by every organization. A company creating its own advertisement may face the difficulty of objectively targeting the consumer and even in product conceptualization. This may result to the ad missing the vision which an outsider may have. Advertising agencies which are highly reputable have well established contacts   which give them the advantage of securing ad spaces which are highly visible. The in house advertising company may lack this aspect which may make the ad lack effectiveness and miss to target the customers. Also in –house advertisement may not always be cost effective especially when the firm is still small.  The size of a firm determines its revenue and advertising needs.  This means that a small company may face the challenge of having an in house department for advertisement than when they decide to pay commission fees for an external agency. This cannot be the case for large firms.

Creative revolution advertising and the large societal revolution in the United States

During the 1960’s the United States of America saw great advertising transformation through creative and realistic advertisements which have affluence the modern way of advertisement. The modern way of advertising has incorporates unexpected messages and shine messages which have made advertisement to be more appealing to the eyes of the consumers. The era of modern day advertising was ushered in by the Volkswagen ad whose camping had the title ‘Think Small’ and ‘Lemon’ in describing the structural features of the car. This advisement promoted the unique way of selling a product and product positioning designed to bring a relationship of the advertisement product with a specific idea in the mind of the consumers. This is the period of creative revolution in America which was developed by the archetype- William Bernbach. The change into a more creative form of advertising from the traditions form of advertising was much influence from the social revolution happening in America during the 1960s.

          The 1960s was a period in America during which people were in rejection of the 1950s social norms. This is the phenomena of counter culture which is a sociological aspect describing the norms and values of the behavior of a subculture or a cultural group which run counter to the social happenings on daily basis (Merriam-Webster’s, 2008).

The American youth were against their parent’s cultural standards.  This social revolution affected all aspects in the society including advertisement.

The advertisements also began to incorporate the Language, look, and themes of the 1960s. Advertising therefore took the trend and values of adapting to the massive social revolution taking place at that time (O’Guinn, Allen, & Semenik, 2008 pp 91).  Such social changes were triggered by the on going Vietnam war and then different views about it between the youth and the old generation, civil rights and sexual revolution because the ads before the1960s only represented women and other minority groups taking subservient roles which leads to the development of the creative revolution mange in the history of advertising (O’Quinn, Allen. and Semenik 2008).

Product differentiation verses market segmentation

A market segmentation strategy is a marketing strategy of dividing the market into various subset and segments which are highly distinct but share   the same needs in the same way. These segments are fairly homogeneous both in their attitudes and needs. This would make these segments respond in a similar way to a particular strategy of marketing. This is in terms of ideas and feelings about of a mixed market which made up of the same service for product distributed in a way and given a certain price and also promoted in a specified way.

There are various criterions to consider in dividing markets such as based on industry which can be said to be a private sector or a public sector. The smallest segment of the market is called the niche or specialty market but the general market can be grouped to ether being an industrial or consumer market. Market segmentation is simply meant for identifying groups of potential customers and the current customers, to understand their behavior, to address the behaviors of the groups and to appropriately respond using the right marketing strategies which would satisfy the needs and preferences of the different groups. Therefore, this leads the company to achieve increased revenues. Out of effective marketing strategies. The right list can be bought when there is market segmentation. Advertising leads to customer satisfaction. The company can clearly focus on a particular subset after employing a market segmentation strategy. Market segmentation aims at achieving functional differentiation strategies

Product differentiation means a marketing process which tells the differences of various products. Product differentiation aims at making a product to be highly attractive   by ensuring that is has unique attributes different from other related products (Young, 2005).

The seller benefits from product differentiation strategy due to him gaining competitive advantage because the consumer would prefer the differentiated product for its superiority and uniqueness. Through analyzing the market in a segmented way a company may decide to focus of   product differentiation as a way of attractive a particular group in the market. Advertising comes in handy to help in offering unique proposition selling. Product differentiation as a marketing strategy aim at achieving emotional differentiation strategies. The main source of    product differentiation    is through the improvement of its quality is functional design and feature and differentiating   its availability in terms of location and timing. This means that the products aim at emotionally attracting the consumers to see the product as being unique and of high quality (O’Quinn, Allen. and Semenik 2008).

Advertising objectives for breakfast cereals

There is a great advantage of viewing the effort of advertising from communication point of view and not sales objective. When advertising from a communication objective, the main goal is to get a specified audience which could persuade, remind, and inform them. When creating the ad for a commonly known cereal brand, it targets to   introduce potential customers to the brand. Marketing communication is important    in providing additional information and influencing customers to change their purchase behavior. The other benefit of advertising to the consumers through a communication perspective is to reinforce relationships with them, the retailer’s prospects and all the other stakeholders.

Advertising through the perspective of sale is not appropriate because the consumers already know the price of the common cereal. This means that the advertisement would create a negative feeling to the customers. Consumers are not interested in knowing about the price of the cereal but rather the qualities the cereal has in terms of nutrients and if it is worth the price.

Hard sell and immediate sale.

Hard sell is a campaign or advertisement which uses forceful, direct and strong messaging in selling. A hard sell approach rather than its opposite is a less persuasive way and may not result to increased sales. Hard sell strategies have often been criticized as a misleading strategy (Petley, 2002).

Creative plan in advertisement

An advertisement plan gives an outline of a standard and strategic plan with a well defined purpose and scope. A strategic plan covers every advertising program in a comprehensive way all through the year. An advertisement plan should have well set objectives and goals way of achieving the goal activities to be carried out and the costs. The plan should also specify how the advertising results would be measured and to determine if the objectives have been reached. The copy writer should arrange the plan in such a way that it has clearly set headings on the background and overview, duration of the advertisement, competitive analysis, advertising goal, recommended advertising activities, media options, and description of the targeted markets, persuasive and creative strategies, research, customer feedback and budgeting (McCarthy,2002).

Principles of designs

In advertising the main goal of advertising is to reach as many people as possible. For a written ad, the writer should use headline which grabs the attention of the readers and a body which aims at selling the product. In any print advertisement it design should  have  as little words which passes the  message to the readers in a simple and straight forward manner. The rule of any advertisement is to keep it (Geana, 2009, pp 23).

Geographical selectivity to a media planner

Media planning is a process of making decisions on how to effectively pass the marketing communication reach, heard and to be seen by the audience targeted. Proper media planning enables the company or the advertising agency   to select the right media. This is a crucial element in ensuring that the right audience is reached.  Proper planning also helps in fund allocation to the best media for example in a card bury chocolate advertisement. The ads can be placed in carton network   Nickelodeon    programs which have a large number of children viewers (Frank 2001, pp. 225-233)

Media planning also enables the planner to choose the right season to advertise a product. This means that the planner has to consider the products needed during festive seasons and those which are not. Wastage of funds is reduced and the objectives are reached when there is effective media planning.


O’Quinn .T, Allen. C and Semenik. R (2008) Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Edition5, illustrated Publisher Cengage

Lakdawala M (2008) Media planning

Frank R. (2001) Spontaneous Inference Processes in Advertising: The Effects of Conclusion Omission and Involvement on Persuasion. The Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 225-233

Geana, M (2009) Marketing. Encyclopedia of Journalism SAGE Publications.

Clow, Kenneth E.; Baack, Donald (2007). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications 3rd edition. Pearson Education. pp. 165-171.

McCarthy, M (2002). Digitally inserted ads pop up more in sports. US today. Retrieved from

On February 5, 2011

Respect for life (2010) Stop abortion before they start

Petley, J (2002) Advertising North Mankato, Minnesota: Smart Apple Media,

Young, C (2005) the Advertising Handbook, Ideas in Flight, Seattle, WA April 2005,

Wernick, A (1991) “Promotional Culture: Advertising, Ideology and Symbolic Expression (Theory, Culture & Society S.), London: Sage Publications Ltd

Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary (2008) Counterculture,

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