

Inappropriate definition and identification of the root cause of a problem is what leads to challenges and difficulties associated with problem solving. A proven, process of solving problems is essential so as to determine the best solution. One of the problems that require a programming solution is safety problem in a school organization. For students to feel secure and comfortable, it is necessary to create a safe learning environment. Learning activities may be hindered by threats and fear of individual students’ safety. A programming solution proposal regarding the safety issue will be presented.


Determination of the problem to be solved was through conducting interviews with students and the school staff regarding the institution’s safety. Moreover, past incidents that compromised the safety of students and the staff were considered. Some of the issues that were noted include violent behavior among students, poor equipment set up and faulty electrical gadgets and equipment. Finally a list of different problems was created and operations for determining the potential issues analyzed (Hopwood and Thompson, 2006).

There are various personnel involved in the project with different roles assigned. First of all, students and staff of the institution were involved. The importance of incorporating these individuals is creating a sense of ownership in addition to gaining background knowledge on the issue. People with the expertise to implement programming solutions were also involved in the project (Hopwood, 2006).

There are various steps involved in developing the safety program. The first step is to plan for the project in order to determine the intended goals and objectives. This should be followed by system analysis, whose objective is to refine the goals of the project into appropriate operation and functions of the intended safety program. The third is system design, which gives a detailed description of the desired operations and features including documentation and process diagrams. Implementing the program is the other step which is followed by integrating and testing the program. Finally, there is installation and maintenance of the safety program. After putting up the program, it is vital to train the staff on how the program operation and maintenance procedures (Hopwood, 2006).

There is need to use a modular approach is developing a safety program in a school institution. Under this approach, there is separation of application components into modules. One of the reasons for employing the modular approach is to enable achievement of minimum code-dependencies in the various components and obtaining a cleaner code. The other merit is that there is a better startup performance when a modular approach is used. This is due to the fact that only a minimum amount of data is downloaded prior to beginning using the program. Moreover, there is creation of tighter security policies regarding the software components when using the modular approach. Finally, it is possible to create more reusable and generic application components with this approach (Collopy, 2003).

In conclusion, implementation of a safety program within an institution is fundamental since it ensures that there is safe learning environment for students. Moreover, staff, students and all individuals within the institution would feel comfortable and secure with the safe by implementing the safety programming solution.


Collopy, D. M. (2003). Introduction to C programming. a modular approach. Prentice Hall

Hopwood, D., & Thompson, S. (2006). Workplace safety. a guide for small and midsized companies. John Wiley and Sons

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