Programs, Policies and Practices


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The study of programs, policies and practices of any given organization can be divided into various categories. Some of the categories include promotion and career advancement, recruitment and hiring, alternative dispute resolution and finally termination and downsizing. The driving force of organizational programs, policies and practices is the commitment and accountability of the management team. The best practices within an organization should conform to the requirements set by the law. The organization that will be examined in this study is Google.


One of the practices is that the Google management team constantly communicates with the employees and different employee groups. This in turn enhances discussions regarding the issues of diversity.  There is continual passing on of information about programs, equal employment policies and practices to employees within the organization. Every member of the management team is informed on the different aspects concerning equal employment opportunity. The law states that a best practice needs to ensure that there is communication between the employees and the management.

According to the law, the best organizational practice should not result to unfairness. It is also law requirement to implement programs for affirmative action that conform to the law. Such programs are viewed as tools through which discrimination can be minimized or eradicated. Google has a special program that ensures that employment opportunities are available to minority groups within the society especially disabled people and women. The organization prohibits discharging of employees falling within the category of minority groups and replacing them with target employees. It is however important for the beneficiaries of the affirmative program to be qualified and fit for the job post or position in question, though hey should not necessarily be the highly qualified persons for the job.

According to the law, the best organizational practice should promote equal employment opportunities. This is however not the case with Google which was once accused of failing to promote an equal employment opportunity. This was against the 1967 Age Discrimination Employment Act, which seeks to protect people aged 40 years and above from discrimination regarding employment. The act requires employers to favor old job applicants and workers and bars them from discriminating against older persons regardless of the condition terms and privilege of employment.

About hiring and recruiting practices, Google makes use of both external search firms and internal recruiters. This promotes diversity by ensuring that individuals from diverse cultural, ethnical and racial backgrounds are considered during hiring and recruitment process. There is also targeted and campus recruiting services at colleges, career fairs and via professional and civic organizations.  The key sponsors of the different career fairs are the minority groups and women within different organizations. Women and people of color from various universities and colleges globally are recruited by Google. According to the law, the best practices should promote diversity and hence not result in any form of unfairness.

Google promotes work options that are flexible and supports employees and managers who telecommunicate. There are other options such as part-time work, flexible work schedules, job sharing and compressed work sheets. The organization also shows concern for the health of its members of the workforce team. Employees within Google can access various programs such as cancer screening, prenatal care, stress reduction, medical consumer information and health are education. All these services and programs are provided by the company free of charge.

In order to conform to the law of promoting equal employment opportunities, Google ensures that people with different disabilities are incorporated into the organization. Consideration is given to employees that are qualified according to the needs of the organization as well as individual needs. There are highly trained job accommodation experts who have the responsibility of giving advice to both employees and managers regarding issues of job accommodation. The organization conducts a job search in order to accommodate employees who are not qualified for a current job position. The search enables identifications of various other job positions foe which the employee in question is highly qualified.

In order to ensure that it complies with the law of manifesting management commitment done accountability, Google provides its managers with training programs that are aimed at helping the managers to meet  all the needs and requirements of newly employed managers, women and people of color. The company is also committed to promoting fairness and diversity at all sectors and levels. It is therefore clear that the organizational setting is diverse with employees originating from different racial, education, ethnical and cultural backgrounds. Due to the managerial commitment to achieving the set goals and objectives, Google is among the famous and most visited site in the Web.


Google has the best organizational practices that comply with the law requirements. Its practices have proved to promote equal employment opportunity taking considerations for women, the disabled and other minority group. Moreover, the company has a management team that portrays commitment and accountability. There is commitment promoting diversity as well as equal employment opportunity.


Best Practices of Private Sector Employers. Retrieved from on February 14, 2011

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