Ethernet Access Protocol


Ethernet access protocol developed and was created on the basis of the ALOHAnet which was the first computer networking system developed in Hawaii University in 1968 with the Leadership of Norman Abramson. Their aim was to utilize a low-use commercial radio tools to connect users around the islands and the central sharing computer at the main campus.

Main body

The Ethernet was developed at Xerox PARC from 1973-1975 with Robert Metcalfe, David Bogg, Chuck Thacker and Lampson Butler as the inventors. The Ethernet cable based network adopted the application of the Aloha channel that was  later to acquire mobile telephone network frequencies and use it for signaling and control purposes of the 1G mobile phones in the 80’s.the Aloha channels were further expanded by the Telecom Finland to accommodate text messaging to 2G phones. Ore ALOHA channels were added to the 2.5 and 3G Phones to accommodate the introduction of the GPRS which is in use to-date

Ethernet access protocol is a network comprising of three parts: the Ethernet frames which are the data packages, the physical layer which are the elements that decode, encode and coordinate data that has been sent or received. The third part is the Media Access Control (MAC) that manages the data that has been sent or received across the network and allocates addresses to all apparatuses on the network.To effectively use theEthernet Access protocol one needs to have more than one computer each with an Ethernet adapter and cables to join the computers together.

To send data a carrier-sense multiple access/collision detection protocol (CSMA/CD) is used. ALL computers connected to the network operate independent of the central control and when a one computer sees that the data pathway is free it can send the data. This data is however received by all the shared computers but only the computer with the address that is set on the data will be able to process the information sent.  However, if data is sent by two different computers concurrently, the CSMA/CD redirects the data such that they do not collide and one piece of data is sent to the intended target. Data size should be limited for its smooth transmission.

Ethernet Access protocol is preferred for its simplicity as it just requires one to have two or more computers connected by a cable; it’s also easy to expand the Ethernet protocol as one will only need hubs and routers to do so.  Metcalfe promoted the use of personal computers and local area networks just after leaving Xerox in 1979 and urged Xerox, Intel and the Digital Equipment Corporation to work as one and use Ethernet as a standard which came to be known as the ‘DIX’ representing the first letter of each company. Ethernet was further developed with the introduction of the CSMA/CD.


When Ethernet was introduced in the market it had competitors like the Token ring LAN but when Ethernet introduced the switched Ethernet and better variants of the original Ethernet, the Token ring lagged behind as its further development stalled. It remained with thick bulky connectors that were fragile. Ethernet is still in use to date due to not only its technical advantages but also due to its timely standardization of LAN in bodies such as IEEE and ISO. Ethernet has also continued to evolve with time e.g. increased bandwidth, better media access control and changes to its physical components. Ethernet repeaters and switches were installed so as to reduce the cost of installation and increase reliability


Miller, P.M. (2010) TCP/IP-The ultimate protocol guide. Universal publishers

Spurgeon, C.E. (2000) Ethernet: the definitive guide. O’Reilly Media, inc.

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