
Schultz, J.D. (2000). Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics: Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. Greenwood Publishing Group

Schultz (2000) notes that contrary to popular belief, there is more to learning how to effectively communicate with Hispanic workers than just learning their various languages. He notes that efforts to enhance cultural awareness and communication among Hispanic workers should be an organization wide effort.


Forst, L.S. & Dempsey, J.S. (2009). An Introduction to Policing. Cengage Learning

According to Forst et al. (2009) the high number of accidents that are registered annually at the workplace and that involve Hispanic workers can almost always be attributed to poor and ineffective communication between Hispanic workers and the supervisors. According to the author, efforts to minimize accidents involving Hispanic workers at the work place should start at the supervisory level.


Moorhead, G. & Griffin, R.W. (2008). Organizational Behavior Managing People and Organizations. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd

Moorhead et al. (2008) assertion seems to reinforce that of Forst et al. (2009) above. He notes that whichever way one looks at it, the first step towards improving cultural awareness and communication among Hispanic workers is to ensure that American supervisors participate in the American-Hispanic cultures assimilation at the workplace. This initiative should be undertaken hand in hand with availing appropriate training programs for supervisors geared towards improving cultural awareness and communication among Hispanic workers.

Bennett, M.J. (2007). Basic concepts of intercultural communication: selected readings. Intercultural Press, 2007

Bennett (2007) argues that in the last three decades, the numbers of Hispanics have been growing steadily. Last year, Latino ethnic group alone accounted to an upwards of 30% of the southern Californian workforce. This is a single indicator of the current workforce trends. Bennett (2007) proposes a joint taskforce incorporating all the stakeholders to be formed to address and propose solutions towards improving cultural awareness and communication among Hispanic workers.


Nevaer, L.E. (2010). Managing Hispanic and Latino Employees: A Guide to Hiring, Training, Motivating, Supervising, and Supporting the Fastest Growing Workforce Group. Berrett-Koehler Publishers

One of the resulting effects of globalization includes an increasingly diverse workforce. This is probably what Nevaer (2010) means when he notes that the “world has become a truly global village.” He goes ahead to propose unique solutions towards addressing the increasingly diverse workforce.


Wood, J.T. (2009). Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters. Cengage Learning

Wood (2009) notes that organizations are now realizing the significance of using human resources when it comes to utilizing cultural awareness in efforts to better the communication of the workforce that can in one way or the other be considered to be immigrant. To have an edge in the market, firms are now being called upon to embrace strategies towards enhancing communication for its diverse workforce.


Norgren, J. & Nanda, S. (2006). American cultural pluralism and law Greenwood Publishing Group

Norgren et al. (2006) seems to agree with the assertion above and he goes ahead to label enhanced cultural awareness and effective communication among Hispanic workers as a competitive advantage that should be utilized by every organization so as to remain relevant in the market place.


Tuleja, E.A  & O’Rourke, J.S. (2008). Intercultural Communication for Business. Cengage Learning

Tuleja et al. (2008) argues that to improve cultural awareness and communication among Hispanic workers, policy makers need to look beyond language barriers. This is because there are many other things that inform the communication challenges amongst Hispanic groups other than language barriers.


Tienda, M. & Mitchell, F. (2006). Hispanics and the future of America. National Academies Press

Tienda et al. (2006) discussion seems to be a continuation of the one above. He notes that other things like behavioral differences and unique ways of thinking can also be to blame for the failed communication among Hispanic workers.


Kniesner, T. (2000). Noncognitive Skills and Their Development. Univ of Wisconsin Press, 2000

Kniesner (2000) position is that the first thing that needs to be addressed with regard to improving cultural awareness and communication among Hispanic workers is the language barrier issue. This is because in his opinion, there is a big number of Hispanic immigrants who are highly skilled but who end up being locked out of the job market by language barriers. This text offers an insightful approach on how to address this issue.

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