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To understand what is meant by the word legitimate power it is good to define legitimacy and power. Legitimacy is the way a leader leads according to law while power is a situation where one has the ability to control others and attain the organization goals. Legitimate power is a type of power that influential gets through defaulting, concerning his position in the organization. An influential basically is differentiated from other followers because of his superior responsibility and right he has as compared to other leaders in the organization. A good example of a legitimate power is the way the power and command is implanted as compared to other organizations. The senior soldier in the army has all the power as compared to other soldiers who are under his command. Being a leader you do not need to rely only with legitimate power only but need different types of powers.  The following are the three forms of legitimate power.

Coercive Power: This is a form of legitimate power which usually results from the hope of an unenthusiastic reward if the leader instructions are not followed. This type of power is not the best in leading subordinate. It is only preferred when every thing else fails.

Expert Power: This is the way the leader influence others. One has the expert power because people believe you are perfect when leading them. Expert power is seems to be the best when combined with others forms of power. Therefore, become an effective tool.

Reward Power: This is an important power used to support the legitimate power. This is a good means to motivate the employees in the organization. The use of the reward power seems to be more effective especially in a long land. In conclusion, the most stable form of power is the expert power since the people believe in the leader to lead the organization. Leader must ensure there is equality in the organization and not to allow the subordinates to be penalized or criticized expect by her or he or any other leader as prescribed by the law.


Calhoum C.J., Keller S. I. and Light D. (2000). Sociology – Knopf, U.S.A


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