Question 1

What I am most apprehensive about in speaking in front of groups is unrealistic expectations and failure. I fear public speaking primarily due to the fear of failing or presenting the wrong information. It is clear that if public speakers are certain of presenting perfect speeches, they would not be apprehensive. It is unfortunate that everybody is prone to errors and no one is perfect. The fear of failure can result to negative self-talk. This type of apprehension does not refer to the fear of failing an examination, but rather, it entails the fear of how an audience will respond to a speech or presentation. It is the fear of whether the expectations of the audience will be met. In this type of apprehension, a speaker wonders if the audience will fail to laugh at jokes, be bored or misunderstand the message conveyed (Huff, 2008).

People whose anxiety increases as a result of being apprehensive of failure tend for view public speaking from the perspective of performance. Moreover, such people believe that they are obliged to develop a presentation that is perfect and deliver it impeccably. I believe that in order to overcome the fear of failure, a speaker has to accept the imperfectness of the speech presentation. It is not enough to merely hope for the better. Instead, one should commit to becoming better and develop a reasonable improvement plan. Another fundamental aspect that entails to overcoming the fear of failure is setting achievable objectives and goals. It is impossible to lose an apprehension and become a great public speaker overnight. Patience and optimism would surely go a long way towards perfecting public speaking skills (Sellnow, 2004).

 Question 2

My listening skills in relation to lectures are exemplary. I can effectively attend to information in a manner that enables me to process it. Moreover, I have the potentiality to shun ways any noises that might interfere with my understanding. Another ability that reinforces my listening skill is that of focusing and sustaining attention. I can easily identify transitions between phrases, words and sentences.

In relation to entertainment, my listening skills are above average. I can effectively comprehend the meaning of jokes and other aspects of entertainment. I also have the ability to recall humorous and catchy phrases used by an entertainer. A similar case applies to music, where I have the ability to recall various musical lines. However, a weakness that I have is the interpretation of body language. This mainly entails a non-verbal form of entertainment. Figuring out the meaning of non-verbal gestures aimed at creating humor is quite challenging.

My listening skills in relation to interpersonal relationships are good. I always have an interest in listening to other people’s views. I not only have an interest but I also show that interest by paying attention and trying to figure out the message that the person is attempting to convey. I always view other people as important enough to give them my total attention. I believe in an equally fruitful discussion, where communicating parties divide equally in listening and speaking.

From the above assessment, it is clear that an area that needs improvement is that of non-verbal communication. I believe that non-verbal communication skills would enable me to effectively relate with other people and handle challenging situations with ease.


 Huff, W. A. (2008). Public speaking: a concise overview of the twenty-first century. Peter Lang

Sellnow, D.D. (2004). Confident public speaking. Cengage Learning

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