A Journal Based on “Fear” by Corey Robin

 Despite the fact that fear presents itself at personal levels, Corey Robin lays emphasis on political fear. This is a form of fear that originates from the society or affects the society. The root cause of this form of fear may either be personal events like racism or societal conflicts such as terrorism. According to Robin’s point of view, the fear experienced today is coined from subtle intra-communal struggles and conflicts. This part of Robin’s text gives an examination of the way Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher uses fear as part of his political philosophy.

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I believe that fear is an ever-present element of the human state. It is a sensation that can either prompt people to act in a reasonable manner to defend their welfare and safety or to act in an irrational manner that jeopardizes the welfare of other people. Due to its effectiveness in triggering action, it is simply natural for this emotion to be part of politics. It is however unfortunate that fear is a political aspect which is rarely utilized in a skeptical and critical manner.

According to Hobbes, fear is an aspect that is persistent in the societal and political arena. Hobbes perspective further holds that fear is a vigor that traditionally encouraged humanity to abscond the state of nature. The power to cause fear is evoked by agreeing to establish societies. Moreover, the state runs the risk of becoming dictatorial without limiting its power to create fear among citizens. Generally, Hobbes held the belief that, fear was a fundamental aspect towards the maintenance of social and political order.


Robin, C. (2006). Fear: the history of a political idea. Oxford University Press, page 31

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