The Russian movie “Kindergarten” has its setting in the World War II era. The movie highlights the hard life and times that people experienced during the World War II. The generation of Russians in the period depicted by ‘Kindergarten’ were struggling with difficulties of acquiring food, secure shelter and clothing. There was great scarcity of supplies in most towns and most people had escaped to the countryside due to fear of air raids carried out by the Germans against Russian civilians and the military. Young Zhenia joins the masses of people that are on their way to the Siberian villages after the October, 1941 Moscow evacuation (Yevtushenko, npag) . Most families were separated and the times were extremely hard, especially for the children that were growing up during that era. The evacuations at the time meant that much of the life had to come to stand still, and people had to seek alternative means to survive other than depend on their business activities and employment.

The war meant that there were no businesses running or schools operating and all concerns were directed towards basic survival. Children missed school as they were forced to seek for safer places where they could escape German attacks. The hard life and lack of supplies can be well depicted in the movie and even young children steal to get their basic requirements. A boy on the evacuation train tries to steal Zhenia’s shoes, but later he offers them to him for free (Yevtushenko, npag)  . Much of the government’s efforts at the time were focused on the war and all energies of production were also reserved for the war, and thus there was little concern for the government about the general populace. The major concern at the time was to offer people security and that was all.

Works Cited

Kindergarten, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, 1989, Film

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