The External Love not be Fade


In Shakespeare’s sonnets are two main groups; the dark girl (dark lady) and just lord (fair lord) sonnets. In just (fair) lord it deals with storyteller explore where it consume with the beautiful and the young guy, while in sonnets of the dark girl it the man engage himself to a lady who is not his real wife. The storyteller is under attack as he struggles for reunite the unmanageable urges in his spirit with his mind’s improved ruling, all the while in a distressed race is against time.

In the title of external love not be fade the theme of carnal lust and platonic love has been used. As the narrator divides the main groups in two, he has used an infatuation language that indicate that the groups of dark lady and the just lord shows disparate nature. Platonic love has been described in the poem where there is absence of explicit sex image (sexual imagery) in just lord. Many scholars have then termed the love a type of amorous care bereft of which form of sexual factor. On the hand the dark lady has been categorized as carnal lust because of replete through the sex image. The sex image here implies that the dark color lady is attracting tool to others. The writer is condemning latter and at the same time glorifies the previous while his spirit feels odd with the libido. When we look at the sonnet 144 where it says “affection has affected his eyes and the eyes does not believe what kind of image it sees, the love does not fail and people what is beauty and where it normally lies, whether it is worst or good, when they say love do not fade it shows that they notice beauty even if the person is ugly. The heart of a person is termed to be a liar because the writer shows how the person believes someone that you love belong to you alone but inside her or him is not innocent for having sex with someone else”.

On the external love not fade we also have another theme concerning the color symbolism. The writer has used the dark lady as a black girl. The color is described both intangible and physical, he also describe the black girl with the otherness and evilness with western mentality. The color has also connected with the wastage of time theme. In this case it shows that color do not matter what matters is someone heart for is never fades. On the other hand there is a bondage where the people believe the just lord is not only termed as a writer’s love but he been also been used as a financial benefactor. The writer has shows the scholars the black lady as a prostitute where it has been described in the 134 sonnet, there is a new language concerning the forfeit, sue, statute, mortgaged, bond, debtor and usurer. In this sonnet we can see the black lady being described as a whore out of love, because he is having the jealousy because the dark lady is in love with the just lord. For it is a good example of describing external love not being faded. This is because even after the girl is termed to be a prostitute, the heart of the fair lord does not fail, for he still loves her.

The theme of greed and selfishness is also portrayed. The theme has been prevalent by sonnets as a entire, in this story in sonnet 87 “where he possess that its his preciousness that has given him or her privilege to be with the person, for the person responsibility is not termed to be for forever. The person is still questioning himself or herself on how he or she has managed to maintain the specific person while in deep heart he or she has no permission”. Being selfishness is not good as indicated in the poem. The just lord and black lady are unfaithful to each other. In the final sonnet it shows there is an argument where they ask each other whether they love each other. The poem shows that, it is true external love not be faded. This is because in the poem there are the lines that read that “I hate anyone who hates you or whom you hate”.

In this we can see that it is clearly close to the whole of the sonnet. The poet is trying make us understand the love once have already accepted their faults. In this case he has shows us the blindness that was in them in the whole sonnet of his overpowering dedication that is likely to describe the symbol of affection and in general and in spite to stop to love her vices. We can in the poem trying to encourage her to hate the ladies the sonnet has addressed. She then love the people who can see and hates the speaker. In conclusion, the poem shows that although he is blind on his mistakes the dark lady still refuses him, and therefore she must love the only people who do not show devoted to her.


Schiffer J. (2000). Shakespeare’s sonnets: critical essays – united state of America, Routldge

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