Artistic Styles
During classical period, there were changes in sculpture function and in styles. Technical skills in depicting form of human in various poses increased and the poses were made to look more naturalistic. In this period, statues and sculptures were put to more use. Athens faced external threats but despite this, it retained its cultural role for the next centuries. In the fifth century, it witnessed a resurgence that was creative which would dominate future art of roman and also would constitute standards of art for more for centuries. All this was possible despite the destruction of sculptures and paintings of Greece that had happened.
Severe style
This style is also known early classical style. This style broke down the forms of canon of archaic art and marks the transition to the expanded expression and vocabulary of the classical moment. This style was international found in cities in the world of Hellenic and in various media including bronze structure, architectural relief and stelae. The greatest fulfillment of this style was realized I the metopes of the Zeus temple in Olympia. The severe style has forms that are simple and severe, visible in both drapery treatment and facial features. It has heavy features unlike archaic structures that had features that were light. In the face of human, the eyelids have volume, and appear as rims that are thick around the eyes, and the chin is heavy. The cloth also is ‘doughy’ and heavy. In severe style, there is a change in the subject matter whereby characterization is increased. The characterization increase is accompanied by expression mechanics. Severe style also has an aspect of interest in motion whereby physical or emotions distress are normally dependent upon action or strain. The severe style use bronze predominantly.
Scopas style
Scopas was so influential in the establishment of expressions of emotions that are powerful as themes of arts. He worked on three monuments: Athena Alea temple, Artemis temple and Mausoleum. In the style of scopes, the sculptures have a powerful emotional effects. In Scopas style, there was emphasis that was increased on the emotion expression in art. The sculptures are characterized by beauty that is graceful and proportion elegance.
Lysippos style
In this style, there is an individualization feeling which is new and a movement which is three dimensions. Lysippos work was characterized by naturalism that is life like and proportions that are slender. This style used bronze in making the sculptures and also marbles. He made sculptures of heroes, athletes and gods. This style emphasizes on on different types of emotions of a person, appeals to sense experience and explores religious feelings of a person. Hair is presented in detail by making the head small and the body more slender and knit tightly and this makes the height of the statue to look greater.
Charioteer of Delphi, 1 Aug 2005
Charioteer Delphi is one of the best examples of ancient statues made of bronze. It was Scopas. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011. Retrieved from < on 11-5-2011
The kiss.12 may, 2011
Auguste R.: The kiss.2011. Retrieved from
Head of Alexander the great, 3rd century BCE. April, 2011
Lysippos. Retrieved from
Glossary terms
Archaic art- This is art carried out in a period when sculpture emerged as a form that is principal of expression of art.
Art- It is the process or product of arranging items deliberately in a way that affects senses, intellect and emotions.
Classical– work of a particular era or past time.
Doughy- physical weight that is great or density
Sculpture– Art work of three dimensions created by combining or shaping hard materials.
Monument-It is a structure that is created explicitly for commemoration of a person.
Naturalism– a style in visual arts and painting.
Resurgence-A renewal or an interruption that is continuing.
Temple-It is a building which is a dwelling place of gods.
A-Z of art. Greek art: Ancient Greek art: encyclopedia of art. (no date) Retrieved from on 11-5-2010.
Hemingway. The art of classical Greece. 2000 Retrieved from
A-Z of art. Greek sculpture: late classical: encyclopedia of art.(no date) Retrieved from
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