FEDEX Company

-How the plan organization influences the other functions and departments of this company that is finance, human resources, accounting and marketing.

Operations are the main functional part in an association. Irrespective of the kind of the organization and activities in every business has few crucial actions to perform. This includes finance, human resources, and operations, marketing and accounting management. An operation is concern with managing the adaptation procedure in a business. In marketing function it pertains with the understanding of customers needs, cresting a demand for the services and products to the consumers at the actual time. For one to perform the different activity that involves the marketing, operations and finance, one is needed to tap for the market funds and running the operational capital. These actions usually represent the finance task. Every business makes use of a number of employees with needed skills work and background needs. Managing the labor force and at the same time addressing the host of matters that is related to the organization. It is known as the human resources managing. The marketing, finance, human resources and operations are considered to crucial management since it form the essential functions of any business. The following is a diagram describes how each management is related to each other.

The above four management have the mutual interactions between each other, any decision made for a single management seems to affect the input of another functional part. Naturally, businesses usually start their annually plan with the marketing task, where the managers usually estimate the next sales in the coming year. The important input will form a finance task while the preparation has such a series of interaction flow and information at the moment there is an execution interaction or even more. On the other hand, the main aim of the human resources is to influence the marketing action to timing and quantum and undertaken the available funds in the sales. Therefore, the management is said to influence each department in the business.

Limitations of implementing CRM and PERT

PERT is the program evaluation review technique. It is normally used to organize, schedule and coordinate the functions in a project. PERT is considered to suit the service industry that has most of the projects taking place. It is not easy to implement PERT because is known to be a manufactured goods industry. FEDEX Company being a manufactured goods industry does not need PERT. Consumer’s relationship administration is a situation that involves the study of business of the consumer relationship and behavior. FEDEX company consumer base is too large that it seems difficult to maintain the CRM (consumer relationship management) of the extent. CRM is normally used by most of businesses to manage the relationship between the company and the consumers. The relationship may include the storage, capture and its analysis of vendor, customer and partner process in sequence. In addition, the consumers are from wide-ranging backgrounds and FEDEX Company will not see any importance of using CRM. It therefore, considered being very expensive to maintain and initialize CRM for such a big company like FEDEX.


Nagarajan K. (2005). Elementof project management functions (as per upto syllabus) – new age international publishers

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