Computer auto run issues

Computer auto run issues

Usually computers are faced with various issues that may make its operations slow and thus inconveniencing the user. However, these issues can be solved by the user. It is important to determine the issue of the computer from its symptoms, the causes and how to resolve it easily. The autorun works with the CD ROM drive of the computer. This name is from the fact that once a CD has been inserted into the drive and the tray of the drive closed, then the CD should start on its own. There are some issues that are related to this autorun for instance cases where the button does not run, an error message is received that “cannot find autorun.exe.” When the user experiences such a problem, then they can trouble shoot it themselves.

There are times when the user is views the drives in ‘My computer’ and then instead of opening the icon that they want to, the computer displays an error message. This can be in various forms for example “cannot find autorun.exe” or “program not found.” This is usually an indication that the icon is incorrect. This prompts the user to find the autorun.exe file location. The cause of such a problem is the existence of the autorun.inf file in the drive’s root folder. Normally, this file finds use together with CD-ROMs so as to ensure the automatic running of programs. The problem is usually observed incases where an autorun.inf file is contained in a non-CD-ROM drive (Allen & Gralla, 2005). Since once the user double clicks the icon, an autoplay starts, in this case there is an attempt by the autoplay to load a non present autorun.exe. This is what leads to the computer displaying error messages. It does not imply that the autorun cannot run, it is only that the drive is affected. To troubleshoot, the user will only need to rename or delete the autorun.inf file that is found within the affected drive’s root folder. From this, then the icon should be able to work well.

There are also times when one inserts a CD into the CD-ROM but the play button does not appear. This can also be observed in an effort to reinsert the CD. A CD can be ejected by use of the eject button that is found on the drive or using the button in the player. When one ejects a CD and then reinserts it, the play button may not be available and this is an indication that there is a problem. It can also be that the button that is clicked to play the CD button is available but does not respond once the user clicks it (InfoWorld, 1997). This is observed even when the CD player seems to have read the CD that is the light on the drive for CD-ROM blinks indicating that the CD has been read by the player.

CD-ROMs behave is such ways when a feature of autorun in Windows NT is not enabled. This can be remedied by restarting the program of the player. If this does not work, then the user needs to enable the disabled feature of autorun. To enable autorun, the user has to ensure that they have a back up since a problem may occur. This is a process which involves a modification of the registry. The procedure for enabling an autorun feature requires that the user accesses the REGEDIT, then double clicks on the following icons in that order key local machine, system, software, currentcontrolset, services, CD-ROM and then changes the value of the autorun to 1. After this, the user restarts the computer and the problem should be solved.


Allen, R. & Gralla, P. (2005). Windows XP cookbook. O’Reilly Media, Inc. publishers.

InfoWorld Media Group, (Jun 23, 1997).  InfoWorld. Volume 19 (25). 158 pages.

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