Essay Grading
Essay Grading
Organization/ Format
The content is not organized well and the content of the essay does not flow well. The basic sections are not clear. The writer has not included an introduction and conclusion. The Bibliography is not correct. For example, the writer has written the first reference as “Forest Stewardship Council Homepage”. This is not correct. Same applies to “Wikipedia. (2008)”, “FSC and FSC. (2008) Why The FSC Is So Awesome. Forest Stewardship Council. Retrieved January 23, 2009 from: “.The reference should have the author, title, year and the publisher (1 point).
The material is not ordered well. This makes it difficulty for the reader to understand. The first sentence is not complete. For example, the first sentence reads “It was created to be a prominent resource for the timber industry”. The reader cannot understand what the writer is referring to as he has not included the topic being discussed. The sentence should read the “Forest Stewardship Council was created to be a prominent resource for the timber industry”. The second sentence is not clear, the writer says that the “Forest Stewardship Council has maintained its role since its inception in 1993, when it came into play”. (1 point)
There are grammatical errors. The writer has repeated some words. The word inception refers to beginning and is similar to “when it first came into play”. The sentence should read “it has maintained its role since its inception in 1993”. Also, the writer should have stated the role of the Forest Stewardship Council before the second sentence. Some of the sentences are more than 40 words long. This is a grammatical error. For example, this sentence has 44 words “Essentially, the Forest Stewardship Council was created “to coordinate the development of forest management standards throughout the different biogeography regions of the U.S., to provide public information about certification and FSC, and to work with certification organizations to promote FSC certification in the U.S”. The sentence should be split into to three sentences. The writer has a problem in sentence structure and grammar.” The FSC system is very much a part of the current forest system, much to the dismay of many of those who wish to exploit forests for their own purposes, which of course is bad – like logging. Labeling is one way to solve the problem”. The sentence structure and grammar in paragraph 3 and 4 is poor (1 point).
The writing style is not clear as the sentences are not cohesive. This is because the writer has used incomplete sentences and also misused some words like much (1 point)
The writer has not cited his work. There are no in text citations in the essay. The sources listed in the bibliography are not cited in the text (0 point).
There were no citations in the work. So, its difficulty to know whether the citations are relevant to the bibliography provided (0 points).
Solution and conclusion
Though, the writer has tried to give a solution to deforestation. The solution is not adequate. The writer should have expounded how FSC helps prevent deforestation. He only states that every one should use FSC lumber (1 point).
The writer has not summarized the content well. Also, he has not discussed the topic well. The introduction is not discussed well. The writer does not develop the topic well as the work lacks organization (5 points).
The writer did not cover the appropriate materials in his work. He does not discus the role of the FSC in details and also the principles (1 point)
The writer has not made any contributions of thought. He has summarized the article. This is shown in the section, he author discuss the principles (2 points)
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