Exploratory Data Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis
The scale value selected for the EDA is Q20. This was evaluating the number of messages received and sent in a given day. In this data, the average messages were found to be 61.38. The total number of the messages send was 71991. The least recorded number of messages sent or received in a day was 0 while the highest number of messages received was 999. This shows that the range of messages was 999 (Rubin, & Little, 1987).
The data had missing values. The method adopted because the data had typically missing values in this category, and the missing values are typically non-random. Even though, there were missing values on individual items, composites of the items were created by finding their average together into a single variable. The composite variable did not have missing values since it was an average of the existing data. In the SPSS analysis, list wise deletion was the method chosen to deal with the missing data. In the variables analysis, SPSS never included cases with missing values (Scheffer, 2002).
The probable hypothesis for this analysis would be:
Null hypothesis (H0): The average messages received or sent on a given day were 50. (µ = 50)
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The average messages received or sent on a given day were more than 50. (µ ≠ 50)
Rubin, D.B. & Little, R.J.A. (1987) Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, New Jersey: Wiley Scheffer, J. (2002) Dealing with missing data Retrieved on November 2, 2012 from: http://equinetrust.org.nz/massey/fms/Colleges/College%20of%20Sciences/IIMS/RLIMS/V
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