The Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology
The Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology
“The Effects of Forgiveness treatment on despair, nervousness, and Posttraumatic strain for Women after Spousal poignant Abuse”
Summary of the article:
The article “Journal of consulting clinical psychology” (JCCP) by Nezu is an editorial response of clinical psychology works. In the prologue, the editor explains the new change which gets witnessed on JCCP. Nezu appreciates JCCP’s high quality publications over the years, as well as its innovative and vibrant studies in clinical Psychology. He continues to praise JCCP editorial team which has continued to provide high quality publication of clinical psychology journal article. Nezu joins this superlative journal and article publishing team as a new editor in the scientific premier journal editorial team.
Later he discloses the ideas he intends to contribute to JCCP’s future in terms of format, content and structure. In this direction, Nezu turns to diversity embedded in “American Psychology Association” (APA) journal publications. According to the article, APA, like JCCP also has a fervent history of encouraging, as well as advocating for improved studies needs regarding dissimilar populations. Nevertheless, for this study to truly have undeniable effect, requires to be largely circulated among the diversified scholars. Nezu argues that articles need to be published in (main stream journals) like JCCP previous articles.
Diversity in publication of authenticated journals gets to be an imperative decision new psychology research investigators have to consider. This explains that there is a requirement for more journal and article publishers to enhance on the current research data on JCCP. The article furthermore, checks on the dissemination of the works to be presented in clinical psychologist research, which should be based on influencing real-world effects displayed in their works. Nezu explains his dissatisfaction of the current dissemination of research that cannot translate from theoretical positions into real life clinical practices. He advocates for academically founded studies that translate into real life medical practices.
In addition, public education also should be improved in a bid to meet quality standards needed by the public. Methodologies and statistical reporting are another part touched in the article. The article publisher emphasizes on the need for high standards needed for reporting statistical and methodological facts in a distinct journal. Emotional abuse in women has intense psychological implications realized after the spousal abuse has ended. The study focuses on forgiveness therapy, as well as an alternative treatment.
Many spousal abuse cases get reported by various women who have several experiences on this issue. According the recent study reports no substantial treatment for emotional abuse has been realized. Therefore, this study aims at formulating the remedy for this problem. Forgiveness in an emotional bruise does not have an abrupt healing rather it takes a gradual process to heal. Follinstad (1990) and Saunders (1999) with other scholars present categories of spousal psychological abuse such as jealous controls, threats of abandonment, purposeful abandonment among others get related with strong negative results of psychological abuse.
The study method used in this study uses a participants sample of 20 women abused psychologically in a mid west city. These women have either been divorced or permanently separated for at least 2 years from their romantic partners or spouse. The methodology used in this paper discloses numerical quotations used identifying the sample size needed in the entire method display. The targeted age bracket ranged between 34- 54 years which is a recommendable bracket for most of the permanently divorced woman. Furthermore, the researcher provides a wider variety of samples in relation to employment and education. In using such comprehensive data outsourcing provides better opportunities of presenting exclusive and inclusive information.
The criteria used in eliminating false forgiveness inspired the accuracy of this study. Women who were to contribute got to have 2years postseparation experiences in a bid to discourage false forgiveness often recurring in the abuse cycle. This criterion also provided a reasonable excuse of limiting women empathy that could attract recurrence of the repetitive reuniting patterns of the divorced women. This study exemplified fervent considerations of the sample size need for study, in which results can stand to be justifiable. This methodology style provides considerable ad critical ideas that encourage accuracy and genuine responses from the respondents.
This study provided applicable information of effecting considerable results for forgiveness. Furthermore, this information addresses both the male and female members of the society experiencing challenges in their marital institutions. Following the studies undertaken by Reed L. G and Enright D. R resulted in providing a strategic forgiveness therapy that can help people in this society. In this study, the researchers attempted to control a number of potential confounds, such as complete separation from the former spouse for at least 2 years at the time of therapy and comparable treatment lengths for the two conditions, presentation of psychological abuse only.
This research provided enough explanation and treatment therapy applicable in the current situation. Many of young couples need this therapy to heal their burning wounds over forgiveness issues. Here, is a reliable treatment for those kinds of people. Come and witness that this therapy is convenient for treatment purposes.
Reed L. G and Enright D.R (2006) “The Effects of Forgiveness treatment on despair, nervousness, and Posttraumatic strain for Women after Spousal poignant Abuse”:Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology, Vol, 74, No.5, 920-929
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