Dell: Running with Real Data

Dell: Running with Real Data


Market research refers to the effort that organizations make to collect data on markets and the customers. An organization interested in determining the position of their products with consumers can conduct a market research.  Organizations that engage in competitive markets can use market research strategies to determine the way forward for the organization. It is by remaining competitive that the organization persists in the competitive market. The paper takes a critical look at market research with reference to Dell Company and its efforts to attain a leadership position in the IT industry.Thesis: a market research enables companies to overcome intense competitions and customer patronage and emerge leaders in their industries.

Marketing Research and Dell

 At Dell, marketing research will help the company remain competitive against its rivals such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and HP. The IT industry is saturated with companies manufacturing the same products. A market research would thus be advisable for Dell so as to determine the position of its products among consumers.  A marketing research will help Dell understand the preference of its customers. Dell will determine the technologies such as PC and notebooks that consumers prefer and use often.  This market research sheds light on what the company should specialize in and what it should stop selling.  Market research will enable the consumers determine the occurrence of repeat buying of dell products. Repeat buying is an indicator of customer loyalty thus enable the organization will have a better understanding of the customers preferences (Malhorta, 2008).

A market research for Dell product and services will also enable the company determines the demographics of its uses versus the preferred products.  Such a market research will enable the company serve the diverse needs of customers.  The needs of customers vary depending on demographics. What the younger generation may prefer will not be the same as what the older generation prefers.  The ability to determine and serve all its customers will guarantee Dell maintains its leadership position in the personal computers market (Callingham, 2004).The appropriate marketing research problem, that relates to it management decision problem, revolves around the need to attain a leadership position in the IT industry. Dell needs to ensure that it has a market for it products. One way to do this is by diversification of products and services. Diversity means that the company will provide customers with desktop and note book PC, workstations and different software.

Dell also needs to establish whether diversification of its products and services is an effective way to attain leadership in the IT industry. Since the establishment of the company, the management has strived to serve a wide customer based. This has been through diversification of its products services. The company developed from manufacture of random access memory to manufacture and sale of hardware and software.  Consideration over leadership also involves looking at the strategies to reach consumers.  Dell moved from directly marketing to consumers to selling its products and services via the World Wide Web. Prior to making any business decisions, it is vital that the management engages in discussion with key players in the organization (Malhorta, 2008). Data should also be collected to determine their usage of different Dell products and services, and how relevant these products are to customers. This analysis will enhance Dell’s perception of the problem of attaining leadership position in the industry.

The two research questions that relate to Dell’s market research involve determining whether a market research is suitable for the company.  The hypothesis for the research question will be: market research enable companies attain leadership position amongst competitors. A market research enables the company to determine the needs of the customer using methods such as interviewing and questionnaires (Callingham, 2004). A market research enables organizations to have a competitive advantage over their competitors by determining the market need of products or service and the competition available. The second research question involves diversification of products to win customers. The hypothesis for this question is that diversification of products and services attract more customers and give an organization its competitive edge.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Dells’ efforts to gain a leadership position in the IT industry revolves around conducting an elaborate market research. Market research I essential for companies that desire to determine the position of their products and their customers. It enables customers express their needs hence enabling the organization to working towards satisfying these needs. Market research will also enable organizations such as Dell to establish the commodities that their competitors have. By knowing the commodities of the competitors, the company can work towards manufacturing similar commodities of better quality.  Market research will also aid in market segmentation. This is the determination of the demography of customers using different products and services.  This will allow the company to address the diverse preferences of customers. It is only by conducting an elaborate market research that companies such as Dell shall have a leading role in the IT market.


Callingham, M. (2004). Market intelligence: How and why organizations use market research. Kogan page publishers

Malhorta, N. (2008). Marketing research: an applied orientation. Pearson Education

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