Literal Crisis

Literal Crisis

The rising healthcare costs in United States are impacting of every sector of the economy.  The rising healthcare cost is an aspect that has impacted on the American healthcare system be the most costly health care system around the world.  President Obama blames the rising health care costs due to unnecessary preventive   services that doctors conduct instead of following the necessary medical procedures.  The American radio archives present a true scenario of some of the preventive measures that doctors willingly or unwillingly perform. For instance, family beliefs can control the decision of a doctor perfuming procedures which he   knows they are not effective or clinically tested.  Some may carry out these preventive measures such as PSA tests because people believe that the tests are necessary. It is, therefore, upon the physician to make decisions that are appropriate in ensuring that patients do not pay for unnecessary healthcare services.

This shows that physicians have the power to determine the costs of healthcare services that patients need.  This is because states vary in the pricing of similar services. Insurance companies are not in charge of controlling cost.  This forces patients to travel to other cheaper states to receive medical covers away from their home.  The important message that the American radio archive is passing is that as patients, we have the power to eliminate unnecessary payments to services which do not help us. Patients have the power to choose the health care services to receive. Insurance companies also aim at ensuring low costs and determine the services that patients receive.


Radio Archives (2012) Health care costs in America. Retrieved from

On December 2, 2012

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