Branson Leadership Style

Branson Leadership Style

Question 1

The founder and the chairman of Virgin Group, Ltd is Richard Branson. This is an organization that focuses on entertainment, travel, and lifestyle. This is a company that believes in making differences and they are particular about the way in which they invest. Some of the things that ensure that the organization is successful include the brand, Branson’s reputation, management style, and the empowering talent. Most of the success of the company is attributed to the Branson’s innovative and charismatic leadership style. Branson empowers people to grow and innovate, which is a view point that sets the tone for the organization success.

In every organization, a leader should ensure that they balance various roles when implementing an effective place of work (Slocum, J & Hellriegel, D 2004). They should also focus on the primary vision of the organization. A leader should convey the information, knowledge, and instruction needed in ensuring the effectiveness of the organization. Leadership is that process that involves the development of a vision and ideas, and living by the values which support the vision and ideas.

Branson represents a transformation leadership style. A transformation leader is a leader who anticipates the future trends, inspires the followers to embrace and understand the new vision of possibilities, to develop others to become leaders or be better leaders, and building an organization into a community of rewarded or challenged learners (Achua, C & Lussler, R 2010). Transformational leaders are usually visionary, daring, inspiring, thoughtful thinkers, daring, and ethical. Branson indicates that there are 5 secrets to the success of the business. These secrets include being a good leader, being visible, enjoying what one does, creating something that stands out, and creating something that people who work for you are proud of. Any organization that performs these secrets is bound to be successful together with the organizations that are associated to organization. A transformational leader is a risk taker who creates or seizes new opportunities. These are leaders who are thoughtful thinkers who are able to understand the interaction of the culture, technology, external environment, and the stakeholders forces.

The core component of transformational leadership is intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, individualized consideration, and inspirational motivation. In this case idealization, and individualization can be seen in the line that says they have it wrong when they have taken on a giant with services or product where it is hard to differentiate. This signifies the significance of a niche market. In this case, Virgin has strived to be the provider of the eccentric services and product that is of the best quality and of value to customers. Branson is not much concerned with the industry specific expertise because he is recruiting employees with strong teamwork and communication competencies that mesh the culture of the company. Branson involves other members of the organization in decision making process. He feels that getting the input of other people and paying attention to what people have to say is a core value to him. In order to do this, he has to carry a notebook with him so that he can put something down in case he hears of something that is interesting to him. Branson is a risk taker who likes taking the risk in decisions that he feels are worthwhile.

The quick growth of the company has been through the development of good ideas through good management principles. He believes that people are the foundation to the success of the company and in keeping things simple. The core beliefs and values of Branson include helping individuals to achieve the things thought could not be capable of achieving them. He is a catalyst of the success of other people. A successful leader is one who constantly continues learning as he goes along. This is a one of the principles that Branson has.

Branson is one person who believes that the accomplishment of his company is based upon people. Branson can be described as a democratic leader. He feels that the contribution of other people is essential. He also believes that listening to what other people are saying is essential in making decisions.

Question 2

A leadership style that would even make Branson be more effective is situational leadership style. This is a style that links the effectiveness of the style of the leader to the present work environment (Sadler, P 2003). Branson is a situational leader as he becomes who he want to be depending on the situation that he is in. Branson is a flexible person in the way he appears to staff the shareholders where all are driven by his goal that is focused on the growth and success of the business. Another leadership style that would make Branson an effective leader that he is people oriented leader. He is a leader who is focused on supporting, analyzing, and developing the people in all the teams. Branson is a leader who encourages creative collaboration and good teamwork. He treats everyone in the organization as equal. People oriented leaders are those leaders who are approachable, friendly and love associating with other people. They like it when they get involved in discussions with other people in order to learn something from the information of other people. Branson is a leader who qualifies in this kind of leadership style as he is a leader who is easily approachable.

Question 3

            When a leader is leading a global team working on a project, the most essential aspect that the leader should consider is trust and respect. One of the biggest pitfalls for global teams is lack of trust. It usually creates redundancy, tends to slow down the team and people tend to figure point others in case of any mistakes (Slocum, J & Hellriegel, D 2004). Branson should ensure that he develops trust among the group members by building small teams from the different locations so that to work together to solve the problem.

When leading a global team, communication should be emphasized. Branson should ensure that there is effective communication among the members. A systematic communication plan should be built where the flow of information is free and is available to every person.


Being a risk taker is one quality that can be taken from Branson qualities. It is essential for one to be a risk taker in making decisions that one believes are worthwhile. It is necessary to sometimes make decisions that may appear to be difficult so that to ensure that one has the capability of doing something that appeared not to be possible. Another quality is a thoughtful thinker. This is an essential quality mostly when making decisions. Before making any decision, it is necessary for one to think of the benefits that the decision will derive.


Achua, C & Lussler, R (2010). Leadership Cengage Learning

Moore, E (2007). The impact of leadership style on organization effectiveness ProQuest

Sadler, P (2003). Leadership Kogan Publishers

Slocum, J & Hellriegel, D (2004). Organizational behavior Thomson/South Western

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