We Are What We Consume

We Are What We Consume

We Are What We Consume: The Influence of Food Consumption on Impulsive Choice

            Evidence shows that people’s behavior may be determined by what they take. In other words, individuals are what they take or consume for their living. The author of this article conducts research on the influence of food consumption on impulsive choice. Hypothesis of the author’s work is that the consumption of food rich or not rich in tryptophan will lead consumers to display less or more impulsive choice. This hypothesis was tested using financing choice and product choice all together. According to his findings, the author discovered that personality traits in any given environment develop the capability to influence certain behaviors. In this respect, the influence of his hypothesis may have some sound meaning simply because of the influence that would develop from what individuals consume. The environment people live counts a lot in the way they behave hence what they eat, (Arul & Himanshu, 2010).

Apart from the author’s findings, evidence shows that impulsivity in consumer study gives a clear explanation on how individuals behave. In certain situations, behaviors or the surroundings influence what we tend to eat. In order to justify his argument, the author conducted a research on how people eat certain food on given occasions. This writing was based on information collected on the eve of Thanksgiving Day. The author focused on the consumption of tryptophan food and how it influenced impulsive choice in different people. Collected data for the research indicated that consumption of given type of food may have an effect on impulsive choice. The paper investigated on the level of serotonin in the brain of human being. According to the study, given level of serotonin in the brain has positive or negative impact on impulsive choice. In order to reach at a conclusion, the author developed a study where he collected data and compared with earlier studies on the same research, (Arul & Himanshu, 2010).

The author of the essay used quantitative approach in conducting the research. The method enabled the author collect numerical data for constructing research. This method was appropriate because it gave room to determine the number of individuals in the occasion that had the influence on the consumption aspect. Random sampling was used to determine the number of participants for the study. The author used a control sample of 54 participants in his findings where data was used an analyzed according to the hypothesis. Experiment and control results gave a conclusion based on the research expectations. Individuals who took serotonin were happy as compared to those who did not take. This was a clear indication that we are what we consume. Behaviors or the environment we live plays a vital role in the impulsive choice we make in day to day life, (Arul & Himanshu, 2010).

Results of the study supported the hypothesis simply because it individuals who took serotonin were happy and the rest were not happy. This was a clear indication that the influence of food consumption towards individual’s behaviors. Although the study had some errors that forced research to be repeated, results on those research trials gave a similar answer that individual’s behaviors may be influenced by certain conditions of consumption, (Arul & Himanshu, 2010).


Arul, M. & Himanshu, M. (2010). We Are What We Consume: The Influence Of Food Consumption On Impulsive Choice. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR); Dec2010, Vol. 47 Issue 6, p1129-1137, 9p; 10.1509/jmkr.47.6.1129

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