Intrinsic motivation

Most scholars have thought that creativity results from intrinsic motivation. This conclusion is drawn from their studies, but different research disagrees on that assumption and views it on the equivocal perspective. The study uses three different empirical studies in drawing its conclusion. The essay has different variables used to develop the result. This essay will focus on the analysis of basic variables used in this article. We will base findings of this essay on the first study of the results of the article.

In this study, creativity is the dependent variable. In order to determine the relationship that exists between creativity and intrinsic motivation. Measuring creativity required data, and a sample size was taken in order to collect data. It was through the collection of motivation data from a group of 90 security officers the study enabled to measure the creative ratings. The security force officer’s motivation data gave way on developing a system of determining creativity level of each officer from the supervisor’s perspective. Officers were given some tasks on a given survey. They were required to complete those surveys online after their daily activities or find time but not during working hours. The work of supervisors was to check whether the officers completed task assigned on time. They also had to look on the creativity level applied by the officers in completing the survey assigned, (Grant & Berry, 2011).

Intrinsic motivation is the independent variable in the study. Creativity depends on intrinsic motivation given under certain circumstances. For an officer to be creative enough for a given task, research shows that he or she must have motivation from the senior people. This translates that creativity comes from motivation. After security officers were assigned some task to complete, it was expected that a creative scenario on how to approach the work was getting into work. This means that officers were to have responsibility in order to complete the work on time and with the level expected. Each of the officers completed the survey on time, and a motivation scale was developed to determine who the best in having creative approach was, (Aiken & West, 2009).

The study also had mediating or intervening variables that assisted in developing results of the study. In this case, perspective taking was the mediating variable used in the first study to determine the idea of creativity. I was used to moderate between the independent variable and dependent variable. In the process of collecting data, employees were asked to rate themselves. Results from the exercise were combined in order to reach at a conclusion.

Control variables are used in order to see whether a change occurred after implantation of the idea. Just like any other study, this study used control variables in order to see whether desired results were realized. Individual factors as well as contextual factors, gave way for the control variables used in the study. The variables were taken and applied with care simply because it assisted in realizing results expected. From my analysis, I consider measurements of the variables appropriate for the study. Also, they have been defining in a way that they develop the expected results, (Aiken & West, 2009).


Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (2009).Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage

Grant, A. M. & Berry, W. J. (2011). The Necessity of Others Is the Mother of Invention: Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivations, Perspective Taking, and Creativity. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from,, On October 12, 2012

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