Phenomenological Study
Phenomenological Study
First study
Conceptualization and purpose
This study aimed at explaining the experience that registered nurses have who work in alcohol and drug unit, in South East Queensland. The main purpose of the study was to explore the day to day working experience of the registered nurses who take care of people who have dependency issues. The background of the paper is to report what has been discussed and researched on literature about stigma in people with dependency issues. Stigma can be defined as the circumstances when a person identifies and labels differences in others and then forms a negative stereotype about the members of the group. Stigmatizing attitudes of mental health professionals and nurses have an effect on treatment retention and recruitment (Barr, J & Lovi, R 2009). Mental health professionals and nurses who have a negative attitude towards people who experience dependency are most likely to be less willing to intervene in issues related to AOD. This study indicates that stigma tend to limit access to resources. Stigma is a key issue which prevents people who are experiencing dependency from receiving quality care.
Theoretical framework and research questions
The study used theoretical framework of Husserlian phenomenology as the study mainly aimed at exploring the experience of working in alcohol and other drugs unit. In order to understand this study using this method, the researcher has to go to the everyday world in order to examine the phenomena as it is lived. This study was clearly situated in a larger context of other studies, and it clearly addressed the gap in the research. In the study, phenomenology was useful in examining the perspective of individual registered nurses working with the dependency clients in the AOD unit (Barr, J & Lovi, R 2009). The use of phenomenology for the study meant that the data subjectivity remained untainted and intact. The information that the nurses gave was allowed to unfold and what was meaningful to the people describing their experiences were presented. During the research, questions were not directly stated.
Research design
The research design that was used was interview. When investigating this research, qualitative research was used. Phenomenological research approach was used in conducting the study. The registered nurses who were interviewed were only those working in the AOD unit. This was the desired method so as to be able to understand the phenomena experienced by the nurses in the unit. Criterion sampling method was used to access the range of novice and experienced registered nurses. In order to participate in the study, the participants had to be registered nurses, working in south east Queensland region, and currently working in AOD unit (Barr, J & Lovi, R 2009). The participants included six Caucasians between the age of 35 and 58. There was registered nurse at level 2, and the other five participants were registered nurses in level 1. Five participants had complemented a government based AOD course apart from one nurse. The meaning, description, and experience of the participants of what it was like working in the field of AOD were collected through in depth conversation style approach. The method of the interview was unstructured as the participants were asked informal broad questions. The method of data collection matched the purpose of the study. The selection criteria for the participants were clearly defined, and the choice of the participants was appropriate.
Results and discussion
In order to understand the experience of the participants, the transcripts were read and re read again. The data analysis technique was appropriate and described adequately. Data credibility was improved by searching the data for evidence that would be conflicting to the units of meaning. Secondary analysis was done, which identified three themes related to stigma. This included advocacy, education, and inappropriate judgment for appropriate, informed and skilled registered nurses (Barr, J & Lovi, R 2009). The results of the study indicated that the tertiary education was not preparing the registered nurses for AOD field. It is essential for people working in the AOD units to be advocates of their clients. This will ensure that the clients are treated with dignity and respect. The theoretical and practical implications of this study were studied adequately.
This study has highlighted the existence of the stigmatizing attitude to people with dependency. From this study, it is extremely essential for the education institutions and the clinical practice of registered nurse profession to make sure that they provide the registered nurses with enough knowledge and training, so that they cover everything in preparation for the AOD field. This study contributes to the field of AOD in an effective manner requiring all registered nurses who are working in the AOD unit to uphold national competency standard (Barr, J & Lovi, R 2009). They should ensure that they advocate for their clients. When nurses act as advocates for their clients, it will be hard to tolerate negative attitudes. This study was been able, to determine some of the causes of stigma in nurses, in the AOD unit. In order to solve this issue, the research indicated that it would be better having in service programs so that the registered nurses can understand the nature of the issues of AOD and the right of clients in receiving effective care.
Second study
Conceptualization and purpose
This study investigated the difficulties that trainee anesthetic experience while at work. This study was conducted because of many reports concerning anaesthetist dying while at a younger age and also because of higher rates of suicide among anaesthetists (Larsson, J et al 2006). When performing this study the key terminologies and concepts were not clearly explained or defined. However, the purpose of the study was stated in a clear manner. The research was necessary so that to investigate what could be done to improve the working conditions for trainee anaesthetists so that to make anaesthesia an attractive specialty.
Theoretical framework and research questions
The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of how the trainees in anaesthetist felt and thought on difficulties in their work. The research question of the study was not directly stated. The questions were asked in general as they emerged. This study was different from others studies dominating in anaesthesiology where physical objects are the focus and studies aim at refuting of confirming a hypothesis on cause effect relationship (Larsson, J et al 2006). The theoretical framework is clearly defined.
Research design
When investigating this research, qualitative research was used. Phenomenological research approach was the method used to conduct the study. The research design that was used was interview. The setting for conducting this study was described clearly. Six Swedish hospitals were chosen for the study. This included two middle sized county hospitals and four university hospitals. The interviewees represented the beginners of anaesthesia. Trainees of up to two years participated in the research. The people who were interviewed included nineteen trainees; ten women, and nine men. The method of data collection included interviews that were performed at the work place of the trainees. The technique for data collection matched with the research questions. Open questions were just asked, and the participants were expected to respond by answering them (Larsson, J et al 2006). The choice of participants was appropriate, and the selection criterion of the participants was clearly specified. The median age for the trainees was 31, and the median experience was 10 months. The conversations from the interviews were tape recorded. Empirical phenomenological psychological method was used for analyzing the participant’s interviews. When using this method the researcher was allowed to interpret the data.
Results and discussion
The data that was collected for the research made sense. This was because the main reason for the research was to investigate the difficulties that trainee anesthetic experience while at work. The study was able to achieve its object and the difficulty that the trainees faced was the feeling of loneliness and deep insufficiency. Loneliness and insufficiency were caused by the high demand in the difficult professional role that lacked support. The technique for data analysis was appropriate as Empirical phenomenological psychological method where all the themes of the interviews were combined and compared in order to provide a structure of the phenomena (Larsson, J et al 2006). When analyzing the information, the process was successful as the researcher was able to identify five themes that were affecting trainees.
This included a difficult role to play, high demand, a feeling of loneliness and helpless, lack of support, and feeling of insufficiency. Research findings were consistent with the study as they were not overstated or understated. With this study, the research was able to determine the situations that may affect the trainees from performing effectively in their working environment. Therefore, the discussion suggests that trainees should work in conditions that do not pose too much stress. Stress causes an obstacle to learning. From the study, the discussion has been able to show that trainees require suitable working conditions so that to create excellent learning environment. There is no alternative interpretation for the data. Empirical phenomenological psychological method was the best method to interpret the data.
This study suggests that trainees should work in conditions that do not pose too much stress. Stress causes an obstacle to learning. However, it is necessary for a person to be exposed to difficulties for professional learning. This study has had a large contribution in this field of research as now hospitals will know the working conditions that are best for trainee anaesthetists. This will increase the number of anaesthetists and reduce the number of suicides. It is also suggested that young anaesthetists should make an effort of handling situations that are difficult so that they can have an excellent starting point for reflection on action (Larsson, J et al 2006). This study was able to meet its purpose and even offered a solution that could be used to help young anaesthetists to be able to work in this environment. From the study findings, all that the anaesthetists require is support from people. There is a need of a mentor to provide young anesthetist and will help in solving the difficulty that they face.
Barr, J & Lovi, R (2009). Stigma reported by nurses related to those experiencing drug and alcohol dependence a journal for the Australian nursing profession 33 (2)
Holmstorm, L Rosenqvist, U & Larsson, J (2006). Being a young and inexperienced trainee anaesthetist ActaAnaesthesiologicaScandinavica, 50(6)
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