Transition to Professional Practice essay

tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Transition to Professional Practice essay

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Assessment 2 Part B – Individual Position Statement
develop an individual position statement related to one of the three topics below. Please choose only ONE topic.
Information contained in the statement should clearly demonstrate the student’s perspective, which should be supported by current relevant evidence and reflect current policy and practice within the Australian nursing context with clear reference and linkage to the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia Nursing Competencies for Registered Nurses.
Topic 1
A dedicated pool of funding from new or existing sources should be made available over “the next 5 years to provide research grant money and for cooperative research centres for nursing.
Hint: How does nursing research improve patient outcomes? Who should be responsible to provide the funding essential to conduct nursing research? How will research monies assist the RN to achieve competencies?
Topic 2
The utilization of an Assistant in Nursing (AIN) in the provision of patient care, as delegated and directed by a registered nurse (RN), is an appropriate, safe, and resource-efficient method of providing nursing care.
Hint: Discuss the role of an AIN in today’s health-care system. How does an AIN together with an RN ensure safe practice and improve patient outcomes? Outline the responsibilities of the RN when working with an AIN. How can an AIN assist the RN to achieve competencies?
Topic 3
A nurse has a moral option of refusing to participate in care when “placed in situations of compromise that exceed acceptable moral limits or involve violations of the moral standards of the profession, whether in direct patient care or in any other forms of nursing practice”.
Hint: When or can a nurse refuse patient care? How does this relate to the nurses’ ethical responsibilities?

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