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John Francis is an American substance engineer, author and businessman. He was born in 1935 and was the youngest leader managerial officer in the year 1981. Jack is a competitive, controversial and bold. His competitive is traced when he was playing basketball, hockey and baseball. Through his studies he is a good leader for he served treasurer, captain in hockey and golf. He is a graduate with a degree in chemical engineering and a ph D which he obtained in the year 1960. Immediately he graduated he joined the general thrilling. He has been the chief executive officer in the general electric in twenty years time. He has been famous because he is known as the best commerce leaders in all moments. As he was an influential he contributed much and made the electric company (general) to become profitable in the entire world.

The ethics and values to all profession, there are usually lawful duties and powers, skilled protocol, excellence principles and a variety of the skilled guidance. In spite to the variety of spiritual and ethnic around the world, all people divide common belief on the want to take care of the other community and the ordinary surrounding. Such principles are important to sustain the future. There are the three conservation crowds which is named as the united country surrounding program, international fund for nature and the globe conservation union. The three have helped to identify the cross culture principles that could motivate an ethic for sustainable life. The standards provide ethics that guide the human being bond with the other and with life which include the following. The social fairness standards that include the people, should meet the personal basic needs, respect to people right, ensure an intergenerational equality and practice democracy. On the other hand, the conservation value life and people should be; to live lightly on planet, to respect the interdependence of the living things and to respect interspecies equality.

Values are always similar with the principles and cultures in the planet charter. The most principles that reflect the standards are common in most of the religions and customs. A company ethnicity is described by the values. The leaders usually share values between themselves in the organization. Therefore an argument of style is easier when dealing with it than an argument of values. In this case parents teach their children’s the values and principles of free persons in a free community. Though sometimes people fail, they work very hard to become women and men of integrity, proactively, empathy, have self discipline and humility. People believe on the principle of people liberty to ensure they sustain their free culture. People believe on the principles of general harmony so as to sustain their relatives by living in synch in the [planet and in their universe.

Community talk of leading by example, where it means to incorporate the practices and the attitudes in the life, people do not improve their own lives, but start to value themselves into a form of individual that other individuals will emulate and follow. Principal by example is the most important and strongest way one can show to his organization, as an influential one may speak what he want but how one act show people whom one is. Therefore to lead with example requires on having the following instructions. The leader should think before acting and speaking, the actions and the words help others to emulate one as a leader. Leader must learn on how to believe on the actions he do and should love the actions. If the leader do not believe in himself, to convince the people will be very hard. In leading by example, leaders must treat other well to except just and peace. An excellent leader should be respectful and honest. The leader must also create probabilities and be practical. He should listen to other people for listening is a very important communication object. The leaders should learn on how to commit him on others, so that can also commit themselves to him. The leaders should also learn on how to take blames of their people (Slater R, 2003).


Opportunity and chances are interchangeable and common difference among them. An opportunity is a state where one is able to do things that one wants to do. Therefore, if one has the chance to do great things, one has an opportunity to do the things. The common values are important in a company, this is because values are important in building faith to one another, in the customer and partners. A common value helps to guide organizations operations, policies and people behavior. For instance nations who share the common views are the Russia and Europe. Each country should utilize the opportunity and the chance when sharing the common values. Management styles are the approaches and manners of giving direction, motivating individuals and implementing designs. Kurt had a group of scientists classify different style of management. The authoritarian style is normally used by the leaders to their workers. This style is used rare occasion. Participative is a style that the leader use and include the workers when making their choices. Delegate is a type of leadership that allows workers to make choice.

Jack Welch was a leader in GE as the chief executive officer. He changed GE into the globe most competitive project. He is referred as a strategic thinking person, corporate and commerce teacher. In his leadership he features twelve lessons and their importance in the big company makeover in record. Lead and not manage, he suggested that for a company to do better should be given instructions and not to be managed. This is because Jack hates the term managing because it kept individuals in dark. He therefore suggested that; leaders must lead and make vision and citizens to adore their job. The other lesson was to get less formal; this is where he proposes to have informal meetings for it built ideas for the success of the GE’s success.People get less official by brainstorming with the bosses and colleagues, to have unofficial meetings and have get together. The third lesson was not to tolerate bureaucracy. This is said to have lower the leader’s choice making, thus leading to unimportant process and approvals which may make the organization to be less competitive.

Bureaucracy was kicked by dropping unimportant job, making the working place informal and work with managers with extreme rules. To face a reality became another lesson of Jack, where he suggested the ways to assume things. The leader should leave him with numerous opinions, start the things a fresh and finally, a leader should not fall in false trap scenario (Modern T, 2007). The commerce was suggested not to be complicated where he calls it a lesson of simplicity. Business should exist in a simpler way and not that complex.When the commerce is simple it will move fast. Leader should simplify the places of work and eliminate complex letters and memos. He said, an opportunity was not a risk and therefore it could help to bring change. In defy he suggested some of the tips that could lead to success. Leaders should not be afraid in bucking straight wisdom; they should have a meeting to discuss issues of doing the things.

Leaders should not create a hierarchy as a regulation but a intellect. He believes it is not advisable to learn a business with rules enacted by the mangers. To him, he believes manager’s regulation prevents excellent ideas and creative of solutions problems. He also teaches that employees should pounce and walk faster to show a sign of competitors to win commerce by socializing to its customers to have the opportunities. They should learn how to make choices fast and they should be hard working. The leaders should also learn the lesson on put standards first and not about numbers. He believes values and numbers were to be balanced by lead by instructions and to let value rule.  The leaders were also advised not to manage the whole thing but to supervise less. It was his believe that organizations must encourage the workers to bring their views and think on their behalf. In this case it was considered as a micro bosses where one should avoid them by managing less and to empower. Get and delegate out the system.


Modern T. (2007). Principles of strategic managent – Ash gate publishing

Slater R. (2003). Twenty nine leadership secrets from Jack Welch – McGraw – Hill professional

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