A Doll’s House

A Doll’s house is a play whose author is Henrik Ibsen. The play’s protagonist is Nora Helmer. The themes portrayed in the play include parental obligations, sacrificial role of women and the unreliability of appearances. One of the key motifs of the play is Nora’s definition of freedom in form of letters.

Table of Contents


Definitions of Terms

A counterargument is defined as an argument that opposes another argument or something that undermines an argument resulting in deterring someone from taking a given action. Rhetoric is the art of writing or speaking effectively for instance the study of speaking or writing as a way of persuasion or communication. Rogerian strategy is a technique used to solve problems or conflicts through finding a common ground rather than polarizing a debate or argument. Finally a thesis is defined as an unproved statement that is put forward to act as a premise in an argument.

First letter to a Friend

There is this couple I know, Nora and Torvald Helmer. Nora is a happy and content woman and the evidence of this fact is at the beginning of the play, A Doll’s House. The happiness of Nora is due to the fact that Torvald is a good husband. According to the play, Torvald believes that the role of a man in a marriage is to protect his wife. He does so by protecting Nora just as a father would protect his daughter. This shows that he was a good and dependable husband who was caring and ready to protect and guide his wife, Nora at all times.

Second Letter to a Friend

The couple, Norah and Torvald Helmer seems to have some problems and a feeling of dissatisfaction. Torvald calls his wife, Nora a ‘silly girl’ meaning that he thinks Nora is weaker. Moreover, Torvald prioritizes his reputation over his wife’s desires for instance he objects his wife’s request that Krogstad be kept on at the office with the reason that retaining Krogstad would make him a laughing stock before the staff. Hence, this proves that he is not a good husband because he cares more about other people’s perception towards him that he cares for his wife.

Theme of marriage in Oedipus and a Doll’s House

In a Doll’s House, Dr. Rank, Nora and Torvald believe that parents are obligated to be upstanding and honest due to the fact that a parent’s immorality is passed on to his children like  a disease. For instance, Dr. Rank contracted a venereal disease due to his father’s immorality.  Nora and Torvald Marriage was full of deceit and hence, D. Rank refuses Nora to interact with her children due to the belief that they may end up being like her.In Oedipus the King, the marriage between Oedipus and Jocasta ended up terribly and devastatingly by Jocasta committing suicide and Oedipus poking out his own eyes. These incidences occurred when the bitter truth that Oedipus had murdered his own father and slept with his mother came out. Oedipus could not come into terms with this bitter and harsh truth and hence decided to poke out his eyes due to fear of facing the reality.

Nora’s relationship with Rank

Dr. Rank is a best friend to Nora’s husband, Torvald. He also takes care of Nora’s sick husband and advises Nora not to interact with her children because she might corrupt them with her deceitful nature. Later, to Nora’s surprise, Dr. Rank confesses to be in love with her.

Prediction about the marriage of Torvald and Norah

The marriage between Torvald and Nora is likely to end after the play. This is because Nora feels that she can no longer take her husbands insults and him treating her like a doll. Hence, Both Nora and Torvald are likely to go separate ways after a most likely divorce.

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