Abstract and Biographies Summary

Abstract and Biographies Summary

Abstract:  The interview process is imperative in job search, like many things in life practice makes perfect. In this interactive event, we shall host a panel of industry experts who will provide live “mock interview” feedback; more so resumes preferences and reviews. We will discuss tips and tricks to comprehend and answer questions in an interview, as well as, what to anticipate from an interview.

Brief Biographies:

Aimee Marcella is a Director of Career Services here at UB. After she received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Southern Connecticut State University, Aimee began a successful career in non-profit management (specifically in development and fundraising), where Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo and the American Cancer Society were among her previous employers.  As many career changers do, she knew that there were new career directions she would like to explore. A proud UB graduate, she has her Master’s in Counseling (College Student Personnel) and hopes that her experiences professionally and academically can offer students positive support and empowerment to achieve career success.

Blair Pugliese is a graduate of Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Eastern Connecticut State University. Her passion for the college experience has led Blair to her current ventures at the University of Bridgeport. She is pursuing her Master of Science degree in Counseling with a concentration in college student personnel, which is preparing her for a career in Student Affairs. Blair has been a graduate assistant in the Career Services office since 2011. She has been an active team member in marketing the Career Services office to students, faculty, and employers through career events, presentations, and a growing online presence. Her training and knowledge cover areas such as resume/cover letter building, job search assistance, mock interview practice, and strategies for networking. In the future, Blair would like to have a career in college academic advising.

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