Acceptance Theory of Authority in Management

     Acceptance theory of authority in management was developed by Chester Barnard. The theorist argues that leaders do not have absolute authority until they are given authority by the followers.The author states that authority flows to managers through the acceptance of his or her orders by the employees. Hence, there is no authority if the subordinate does not accept (Griffins, 2006).

The author claims that employees should accept that managers have legitimate authority. The author has identified various factors that influence employee’s willingness to acquire authority. First, the employees are supposed to comprehend the communication and accept it as being inline with organizations objectives. In addition, the employees should know that there actions are inline with needs and desires of other workers. Also, the employees should be willing to acquire authority by being mentally and physically fit. The theory has been applied in many organizations because it prevents the misuse of power in the organization. The theory ensures managers exercise the authority given by employees well.

In addition, Frederick Winslow Taylor developed the scientific theory of management. The theory was aimed at applying science to engineering process and management. The scientific management theory has been used in various organizations for the last few years. For instance, the theory has been used to motivate employees in the workplace and improve management and production process. The theory consists of various principles like elimination of waste and efficiency. Other principles include standardization of best practices used in the organization. The principles are still used in many organizations (Griffins, 2006).


Griffins, R.W.(2006). Management. Cengage Learning

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