Anjolee and Hailee

Anjolee and Hailee

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Once upon a time there was a fish named Anjolee that lived in a lake. She had lots of friends, but felt alone. Anjolee felt alone because she was different from everyone else; all her friends had moms, dads and other sibling that looked alike but Anjolee had no one. One day Anjolee decided to ask the other fish how she came to this place. They told her that she was just a baby fish when she came but did not know where she came from. They all reported the same thing.

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Having found no one who knew about her origin made Anjolee very sad. While she was swimming in the lake, she looked up on the river bank and saw a bird named Hailee. Hailee was crying and looked so sad. Anjolee wanted to go and ask what’s wrong, but was scared of being eaten by the bird. Despite the danger, Anjolee gathered courage and decided to go to Hailee. When she got there Anjolee asked Hailee what was wrong. Hailee replied that she was hungry because she had not had anything to eat for days.

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Anjolee felt sorry for Hailee and decided to go to the bottom of the lake to see if she can get something for Hailee to eat. Anjolee came up with some shells and scrubs and took them to her. Hailee ate to her satisfaction and was so happy.

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While Hailee was eating, Anjolee was telling her about her problem. Hailee found that the Anjolee looked similar to some other fishes she saw in a different lake. Hailee asked the fish where her family was and
Anjolee replied that she had no idea of where to find her family. Hailee told Anjolee “I think I know where your family is”. Hailee added, “I saw some fishes like you   in a different lake”. Anjolee was delighted to hear about this news, but did not know how too get there.

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Hailee offered to take Anjolee to the lake where she reported to have spotted fish that are similar to Anjolee.  “I can take you there, I will give you a ride in my mouth,” Hailee suggested. However, Anjolee was scared of this idea because she understood that fish form a good delicacy for the birds. “How will I know that you not going to eat me”, Anjolee asked. Hailee replied to the fish, “you just save my life by giving me food to eat, I owe you my life so please come I want to help you”. Though scared, Anjolee decided to take up Hailee’s offer. Hailee filled her mouth with water and the fish swam in.

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Hailee and Anjolee flew off to find the other fishes that look like Anjolee. They searched for hours and eventually they found some fishes that looked just like Anjolee. These fishes turned out to be Anjolee’s family who were also looking for her. Anjolee was so happy that Hailee kept her promise. The fish and the bird became best friends and they all lived happily ever after.

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