Anxiety: Challenge by another Name

“Anxiety: Challenge by another Name” by James Lincoln is a refreshing article that seeks to bring to explain that challenge is a norm rather than a rarity at the societal level. Lincoln is of the opinion that the only way to win over anxiety is not to back away but to confront it head on. This article explores the various experiences the author has gone though in regard to anxiety and how he overcame the same. Lincoln recounts of his chance to go on a trip to Argentina with Ted, a roommate and though one would expect such a trip should be exiting, Lincoln ends up not honoring the same. Such are the experiences that inform the lessons that Lincoln learns in regard to anxiety. Indeed, his first rule in regard to fighting anxiety was informed by his regret for not going on the Argentina trip.

The learnt lesson in this case was, ‘do that which makes you anxious and not that which makes you depressed.’  Another veritable experience which Lincoln learnt from is that irregardless of the period of time Duke Ellington had been performing on stage, he still had instances of stage freight. This eventually informed his second rule, that is, ‘anxiety can never be avoided by the avoidance of instances that inform it in the first place.’ Lincoln also illustrated his last rule by recounting an instance where he had a writing assignment offer that had so many requirements as well as responsibilities pegged to it. However, he went ahead and executed the same with a fair degree of success. His last rule is ‘if you don’t try, you can’t learn.’

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