Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Juvenile Justice Policy

| December 13, 2017

 Abstract There has been a great impact on juvenile justice policy decisions in recent years due to increasing public focus on the effects of juvenile crime on society. Historically, the aim of juvenile justice policy makers has been to address juvenile crime through promotion of promotion of policies addressing the rehabilitative needs of the offender. […]

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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).

| December 13, 2017

Standards for school mathematics are defined as guidelines formulated by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). The standards play a role in setting forth the recommendations for mathematics teachers and educators. Moreover, these standards form a vision for preschool through twelfth grade mathematics education in Canada and U.S. The process of formulating the […]

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Media Affects Global Economy

| December 13, 2017

Mass media is the central focus of media and it refers to a method of communication used to reach a large number of people. It connects individual society members to the world beyond their reach by informing and educating them on global issues. Given these broad parameters and such a wide area to operate within, […]

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Physical Analogies for Problems

| December 13, 2017

      Use of analogies in designing solutions to problems uses two basically dissimilar things or scenarios that actually appear different to solve a problem by showing through analogical reasoning that indeed there is some sort of similarities that can be used to draw comparisons between the two elements, and thus design a solution […]

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Decolonization of the British Empire after the Second World War

| December 13, 2017

Prior to the World War II, the British Empire had established a number of colonies outside Europe such which were disengaged from Britain following the war though there were other factors which lead to the decolonization of the British Empire. In order to pursue the aims of the essay the decline of the British economy […]

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Literature work

| December 13, 2017

Like any other literature work, characters in ‘Eileen Chang-Love in a Fallen City’, ‘Bertolt Brecht-The Good Woman of Setzuan’, and ‘Leslie Marmon Silko-The Yellow Woman’ do encounter some problems in making choices in the way they are supposed to live with their neighbors. A clear example of this is in the Yellow woman where we […]

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| December 13, 2017

Marriage is an acknowledged institution where people come together and live as husband and wife. There are many reasons as to why people marry and these include for economical gains, emotions, as a social union, legal or for religious and spiritual purposes. For a marriage union to be termed as legal, it should gain the […]

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Immune Response with Tuberculosis

| December 13, 2017

The issue of immunodeficiency is caused when the immune system actually fights those cells which seem to be foreign in the body. Research conducted on deaths caused by TB showed that over two million patients die yearly and also this is actually going to increase because of wrong use of antibiotics which are supposed to […]

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| December 13, 2017

Obedience is a major element in the bible. Prophets like other people are supposed to be obedient. Not all prophets in the bible are obedient. This is makes it difficulty to follow   God’s directives. Some of the prophets are obedient. For example, Ezekiel proves to be obedient in following God’s directives. In addition, Ezekiel is […]

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Human Resource Management

| December 13, 2017

 1. A company has responsibility towards ethical practices of its suppliers. This is because the company has to communicate it values and beliefs through dealing with suppliers that uphold the same values and practices (Noe et al, 2010). A company that treasures its human resources needs to work with suppliers who practice the same ideals. […]

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