Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

| December 13, 2017

Big Daddy is the name given to the husband who marries Big Mama. Gooper is the son to Big daddy and Big mama. Actually Big daddy is a tall man and is believed to be a fierce character. He is important in this content because he develops the play in many ways. He is a […]

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Devastating Experiences of War

| December 13, 2017

“Here, Bullet” is a poem that attempt to bring out the picture of what happens during war. The poem is written by Brian Turner, who expresses was a soldier in the war at Iraq and writes the poem from his experience from the war. The poem communicates major themes such as death, blood, ghost, despair […]

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| December 13, 2017

The Russian movie “Kindergarten” has its setting in the World War II era. The movie highlights the hard life and times that people experienced during the World War II. The generation of Russians in the period depicted by ‘Kindergarten’ were struggling with difficulties of acquiring food, secure shelter and clothing. There was great scarcity of […]

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Impact of Biotic Community Alteration by Humans

| December 13, 2017

Biotic communities are composed of living things both flora and fauna living together through development of various interactions which engage feeding. There are several other relationships in biotic communities which have a great impact in the dynamism of the communities such as the alteration of the natural occurrence by man. This has been a serious […]

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The Capital Punishment

| December 13, 2017

Death penalty is also known as the capital punishment which has been practiced by most countries to stop crimes. The debate of death penalty has raised different arguments because some are for death penalty and some are against it. The dilemma of death is not something easy and this takes time before the decision is […]

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Service Experience At An Animal Shelter

| December 13, 2017

Animal shelters are the places where homeless creatures are harbored. These places have been the home for many non human animals that have been abandoned and dumped by their owners. Many animal shelters are based in major cities but currently some are beginning to be established in rural areas. These shelters are increasing in number […]

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Industrial Or Organizational Psychology

| December 13, 2017

Industrial / organizational psychology is a field that applies Psychology knowledge in industrial/ organization environment to help them realize the potential of human resources (Grant, 2008). This field of psychology focuses on the human part of an organization environment and aims at increasing work place productivity through ensuring the physical and mental well being of […]

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Root causes of World War I.

| December 13, 2017

The “First World War” alternatively known as “World War One” or the “Great War” broke out in Europe in the year 1914. The military encounters subsided in 1918 after lasting for an approximate four year period. The fighting included all the powerful nations of Europe and later expanded in to oriental countries such as Japan, […]

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Marriage versus Living Together

| December 13, 2017

Does the institution of marriage exist in the 21st century? Most couples come with big debates on whether to marry or just stay together without wedding. No one can reject that in old days marriage was something which was much respected and those who decided to stay without wedding were not given similar respect with those […]

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Finding Good Materials For Research-Ebrary Book Search

| December 13, 2017

Academic research or even scientific research basically entails the search for information from various secondary and primary sources. In today’s academic realms both the primary and secondary sources of information provide a wide base of knowledge upon which students and researchers can base their research activities and help build the base of their knowledge. The […]

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