Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Business Combinations

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Some managers on realization that a particular business unit is not performing well tend to combine it with another better performing unit within the organization. There are a variety of reasons for this. In this text, I discuss business combinations and the rationale of combining segments or business units. I will also discuss the […]

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History Of The Great Plains

| December 13, 2017

Introduction             On central North America’s continental slope lies a vast grassland region-the Great plains. This vast grassland region covers  Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Montana   as well as some areas in both North and South Dakota. The region is estimated to cover an area of 1,300,000km2 . Until the late 1800’s the great […]

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Sexual Values

| December 13, 2017

   Every individual has his or her own values when it comes to sexuality. It is also certain that as one grows up, his or her own sexual values tend to change as the sources of sexual information change as well as exposure to diversity in matters sexual. This has been the case for me […]

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Classical Conditioning

| December 13, 2017

Introduction Learning in psychology basically involves behavior or knowledge acquisition which can be regarded as relatively permanent. This acquisition of knowledge is regarded as relative because in one way or the other, what is learnt can be changed or modified in some future date. In this text, I will describe the theory of operant conditioning […]

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Ellis Island And Angel Island

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction             Very few people know of either AngelIsland or Ellis Island. However, those who know of these two islands do not have an idea of the histories of this two islands or what happened at either island. In this text, I will look at the brief histories of both with regard to immigration as […]

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Planning- Responding To The Scene

| December 13, 2017

  Preparedness is vital with regard to the effective management of emergencies. According to Phelan (2008), response is a factor of preparation. Therefore, how well our team is prepared is going to affect our response to the emergency in one way or the other. The first thing our team is going to do is plan. […]

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Altria Company: An Analysis

| December 13, 2017

Introduction             Through its subsidiaries in the U.S as well as globally, Altria group, Inc., is involved with the sale and manufacture of a variety of products including but not limited to a wide range of tobacco products, wine, cigarettes etc. In this text, I look at how the top leaders of the company m,manage […]

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Global Supply Chain Efficiency

| December 13, 2017

Introduction             The Obama administration’s decision to spend an estimated $50 billion in the modernization as well as improvement of transportation infrastructure in the U.S is timely and welcome. Whichever way one looks at it, this decision will have a major impact on global supply chain efficiency. In this text, I will look at how […]

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Rough And Tumble Play And Dorminance Hierarchies

| December 13, 2017

Introduction             This text explains the adaptive value of rough and tumble play and dominance hierarchies. I also look at the kind of learning climate my parents and/or coaches created and the impact I believe they had on my development. Rough and tumble play and dominance hierarchies: the adaptive value             According to Bishop et […]

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Gun Control

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction             For quite a long period of time, states and countries have come up with and developed laws that in one way or the other regulate the ownership as well as use of firearms by individuals. These laws vary from state to state and from country to country. Historically, there has been a controversial […]

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