Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Interpersonal Communication

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Communication is a process through which people share ideas and information. Most people think of communication to be oral. Communication can be verbal or non verbal. Non verbal communication involves touch and push or any other method. Communication has become a major issue in the society and work place. This is because most people […]

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Gender Bias

| December 13, 2017

The historical discrimination against women was prevalent in most regions of the world same as the contemporary world where many backgrounds and countries present varying degrees of discrimination against women. Similarly, historical and contemporary beliefs of many cultures believed in making women adhere to rules and regulations through discriminating hence very few women were exposed […]

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Women Movement

| December 13, 2017

Feminist movement or women movement is a term used to refer to a series of campaigns for reforms. Gender differences have become a major issue in many countries. This is because most a large percentage of women in the society face discrimination. Majority of women in the society are denied various rights. For example, wsomen […]

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Community Counter Terrorism Initiative

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Community counter terrorism initiative is a plan developed by the community leaders and other agencies to combat terrorism in the community. The community counter terrorism initiative will help the community counter terrorism activities by preparing early. Terrorism has become a common problem in the society. Most countries like United States have experienced terrorism activities […]

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Political, Social And Economic Changes In Eastern Europe For The Last Six Decades

| December 13, 2017

 Europe was divided into two after the Second World War. That is the east and west. The countries in the west were ruled by America and the eastern countries were ruled by the Soviet Union.The Eastern Europe is a region that lies in the eastern part of Europe. The Soviet Union dominated the Eastern Europe […]

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The Battle of Mogadishu

| December 13, 2017

Introduction The battle of Mogadishu is also referred to as the Battle of the Black Sea or the Black Hawk Down in popular culture. It was fought in the year 1991 and ended in 1993 in Mogadishu Somalia and it was part of the Operation Gothic Serpent. Various parties supported the Battle of Mogadishu among […]

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Advertising to Children

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Advertising is a form of marketing that entails selling products and services which touch on children lives to the children. This term has attracted a lot of controversy in the media and other national legislations as it has created hot debating topics. The advertising industry has been overhauled by advertising to children as it […]

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The Benefits And Fulfillment Of Volunteering

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Most people do not know the importance of volunteering. Volunteering has numerous benefits. Volunteering  has a lot of advantages to the person and the community. For example, volunteering helps one advance his career and improve his social skills. Also, volunteering helps one acquire new friends. It also brings fulfillment to ones life. In the […]

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How The Asymmetric War Fare Has Shifted The Mission Of Special Operations Force

| December 13, 2017

Introduction The shift from the Vietnam War to the Afghanistan war has become a major concern. Most people view the Vietnam War different from the Afghanistan war. The Vietnam War is similar to the Afghanistan war. First, the United States took part in the two wars. For example, the United States took part in the […]

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Group Think

| December 13, 2017

  Group think enables one to conform to decision of other members in a group even if one disagrees with them. Fred has decided to meet with other employees in the organization to identify strategies to reduce expenses in the organization. The expenses have resulted from low sales. Fred has decided to encourage everyone in […]

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