Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Near Earth Objects

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Near Earth objects are basically asteroids as well as comets that come under the influence of gravitational forces of planets that are nearby hence allowing such objects to venture into earth’s neighborhood. In this text, I discuss different aspects of near earth objects. Near earth objects: a discussion The majority of near earth objects […]

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A Brief Discussion of the Organization

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services has a three thronged vision. That is, first, to enhance the safety of children. Secondly, ensure that families as well as individuals are self sufficient and last but not least, availing refuge at times of disasters. The Fiscal Services Section of the Louisiana Department of Children […]

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The Impact of Science and Technology

| December 13, 2017

Introduction It is important to note that today; the main sources of energy used in the United States can be categorized into three. This includes nuclear power, renewable energy sources as well as fossil fuels. However, with each energy source, there is an assigned problem that ranges from safety, reliability to pollution. Fossil fuels When […]

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Valid Freud Principles

| December 13, 2017

Though Freud’s work is not taken to be ‘scientific’ in some quarters, a number of his principles as well as theories have over time been accepted as valid. One of Freud’s principles which in my opinion contributed to a great extent towards the understanding of personality is the three levels of awareness. Freud came up […]

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Krispy Kreme

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Over time, Krispy Kreme has been through a number of financial gain and loss stages. The company’s regional growth was mainly seen in the 1930s, 1940s and the 1950s. It is at around this time that the company saw the commissioning of shops in twelve states across the United States. In this text, I […]

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| December 13, 2017

Introduction The constitution is variously referred to as a ‘living document’. This reference to the constitution perhaps comes from the various interpretations the constitution has been through. Hence in a way, it is not static as it changes over time. In this text, I discuss the various changes the constitution has gone through over time […]

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Performance Evaluation

| December 13, 2017

Introduction It is important to note that firms face a number of challenges during the evaluation of performance. As the manager of a healthcare team who has been requested by the Division Vice President to avail a report on how the healthcare team has been performing for the past eighteen months, I come up with […]

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Feminist Theory

| December 13, 2017

Feminist criticism has been a norm rather than a rarity not only in the 21st century but through history. Though feminist theory has been seen as a sympathetic response to the feminist criticism meted from all facets of literature, its relevance cannot be overstated. What is still saddening to most of empirical feminist literary critics is […]

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Struggles in Judaism

| December 13, 2017

 In Judaism, women have had more than their fair share of discrimination, or so it seems to the keen observer. According to Meyer (2001), religion is a form of string that is supposed to act as a link between people but when it comes to Judaism, this is a flawed perception. Women are increasingly marginalized […]

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The Venture of Islam, Volume 2: The Expansion of Islam in the Middle Periods (Page 12 to 50)

| December 13, 2017

 The formation of the international political order The construction of political life in Islamdom was informed by some problems but nonetheless, the unity of the society was enhanced. Regardless of the particular states, the Islamdom world was tied together by the formulation of the local levels political patterns which were both social and military. It […]

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