Author Archive: Hellen Wanjiru

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Advance in Technology

| December 13, 2017

 The advances in technology have had both negative effects and positive effects on the society. For instance, the technology has helped develop various types of machines   which have benefited the society. For example, it has helped in the development of various types of car that do not depend on gasoline. The cars can be powered […]

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Everything That Rises Must Converge By O’Connor

| December 13, 2017

 O’Connor was born in 1925 and was known as the voice of American literature with two novels and over thirty short stories to her name. Having been brought up as a catholic she often examined questions of morality and ethics in her writing.One of her two short books of short stories was ‘Everything That Rises […]

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Sustainable Towers in Malaysia

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction In architecture, it is important to have a relationship between the site of the building, the landscape and its function. These three factors should be used to shape the buildings in the construction. An example of an ancient architecture which shows such close relationship is the sustainable towers which are found in Malaysia. Discussion […]

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Democracy and Government Administration

| December 13, 2017

 The United States of America (U.S) is perhaps the first icon of democracy in the world. Hanson expounds on the development of democracy and its effect on administrative governance. According to Hanson the power of democracy lies with the people and under democracy people have a platform to launch their needs to the government and […]

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Real Estate Exploitation

| December 13, 2017

Abstract  The African – Americans during the 1910’s owned up to 16-19 million acres of land in America mainly in the rural areas. Currently, the figure has significantly dropped to less than eight million acres of land. Only two million acres in the rural areas belonging to the Black Americans. Many have questioned what happened. […]

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| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Phaedo is one of the most important dialogues of the middle period written by Plato. The Phaedo shows the death of Socrates. The Phaedo is considered the seventh dialogue alongside others like the apology and Crito. The apology of Socrates is one of the Plato’s speech. The speech is delivered by Socrates. Socrates tries […]

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A Marketing Plan

| December 13, 2017

A marketing plan is important for any given business enterprise because it provides direction and ways through which objectives can be attained effectively. A marketing plan is more like a business plan since it comprises of various components. Thorough and quality planning is important prior to formulating a business plan.   McBride financial services need […]

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Medieval Ages to Renaissance

| December 13, 2017

Historic events especially in Europe have been categorized into four broad periods. These are; the ancient time, the medieval period, the renaissance period and modern times. Medieval period was the period in history between the 5th century and the 15th century. There are specific events that characterized this period in Europe. One of them is the dominance […]

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Max Weber

| December 13, 2017

  According to the modern organizational theories, organizations can be defined as technical systems comprising of technological aspects, human aspects as well as the socio-technological aspects. The novel forms of human organizations emerged as a result of the rise in division of labor as well as specialization. The initial emergence of decision-making process occurred as a […]

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Civic Engagement in a Network Society

| December 13, 2017

 Introduction Both individual and collective tasks whose role is to identify and address problems affecting the public are known as civil engagement. The various forms of civic engagement range from individual volunteer work to the participation of organizations in the electoral process. The research proposal aims at identifying practices and activities that would promote the […]

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